38: The Mysterious Figure

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Tulip falls backwards and lands with a hard thud on their butt. It's been the billionth time that they pierced their finger on a prickly part of a root. Habitually they suck on their finger, before realizing the bitter taste of sap is coating their taste buds. They cough, wipe their tongue against a cleaner part of their tunic to try and remove the taste. The singing dies down once more, forcing them to stop again. They feel like they've walked thousands of miles, yet everywhere looks the same. Dull. Dark. Eerie. They worry that they will forever be trapped in the forest, unable to escape as its maw has swallowed up their depleting energy to trek on.

"Every deity has a fear of it, no matter if it's slight or vast. Sure, death cannot affect us, but what about Death? They say many anomalies in the world can cause a calamity."

"There have been tales taught of deities disappearing, though. Once Death deems you unfit for your duties as a deity, it has the power to erase you from time."

"It will be like nobody has ever known of your existence. You'll be forgotten."

Though death will not tear them away from their weak vessel, will Death see them as a useless part of time? Will it sweep them off their feet, and take them to an empty void? To be a forgotten part of time? Why, to them, were they brought to this world as an anomaly? What persevered their existence, when all of their memories ended up drifting further away? They feel that during their short time with the teamaking deity, they felt a connection. Someone to relate to.

I miss Pepper.

I miss their tea.

I miss their presence.

Tulip pulls off some twigs that had clung to their hair. Their eyes travel down to a visible part of their back; the sprout, which remains unchanged. They wonder if maybe this is a sign that the curse has finally run its course.

All of a sudden, they hear the bird again. They try to pull themself back up, but fall down onto the ground. They're exhausted. They feel their eyes begin to gradually close. Should they rest? Their tired body provides the answer as they land on their side.

They hear the singing above, the breeze below. Hair locks brush against their cheeks. They've never felt this weak before.

I'm going to disappear, aren't I?

They feel it. They feel the energy go still. The breeze stops. Yet the singing continues. It's clear in both their ears. Peace. Unwanted freedom. Rather, they want to listen to Pepper's voice. They want to hear their soft giggles. They want to run in the garden once more. Read the flower book once more. Fulfill their wish.

They wanted to see Pepper one last time.

They want to see Pepper one last time.

No, to them, they don't want a last time. They want a forever. Their soul jitters and begs them to get back up to keep moving. Their heart aches to reach the promise they made. But their body refuses the urge.

Suddenly, they feel like they're being lifted. Not pulled up to the surface of something. Carried. Carried by someone. But who? Who could it be? The figure is silent, only transferring them along the wave of the bird's song, which sounds more feminine than before. They hear footsteps, too.

Has Dante finally caught me?

Then the noises get softer. And softer. And softer, until there's nothing but white noise.


Jumbled chatter bounces in their head. They feel like multiple voices are invading their space. Until a few seconds later, someone's voice breaks through clear as day,

"Wake up."

A command that awakens them. Slowly they part their eyes. It's bright. Someone is across from them, but their vision is blurred. Pepper? After a couple seconds, the figure becomes clear. Orange hair. Fight or flight mode kicks into overdrive, but is pushed down by their body still feeling weak. They feel their heart accelerate at the sight of the deity, who is seated in a calm yet wary posture.

Dante lifts a finger to their mouth and says a quick 'shh'.


What is Dante going to do? What will happen next? :)

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