𝟎𝟎. 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐫𝐞

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𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 • 𝙵𝚒𝚡 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚛𝚎
During the hot summer of Hayesville, Nevada. A young female was driving in a [Favorite Color] [Car of choice]. Her [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair flew by the cool winds as her [Eye Color] eyes were blocked by sunglasses.
The young female [Your name] was listening to [Favorite Song] on the radio as she was sipping her [Drink of choice]. She went to the right and left turns on the road.
Then suddenly, she heard a tired popped. She stopped the car as she drove it into part of the grass. She paused her music as she went out of the car and saw some spikes laying on the road. She walked over and grabbed the spike and put it in her trunk.
She sighed as she took a sip of her [Drink of Choice]. She then, saw a giant truck go by.
The male in the truck, Jed Love recognized her and then stopped by her so she can take a ride. She smiled because she knew him as a long past friend. She grabbed her drinks and went to the front seat by him.
"So you have another broken this month yes?" Jef asked her.
"Yep just the usual," She replied. Jed chuckled.
"So, well, imma hook up your car onto to this truck and we should go," Jef said as he brought up your car onto the truck and got back in and began to drive.
"Oh shit! I don't have enough cash for the tire!" [Your Name] yelled as I just have only 50$ in my wallet but it only costs 200$.
"Hm, I think I know a way to get that tired fixed in a different way!" Jef said.
"A different way?" [Your Name] asked him.
"Yes, a different way," He said.
"Hm, what is the different way?" She asked him.
Jef drove up into Willy's Wonderland, where the manager. Tex Macadoo was waiting for them. Then Jef and [Your Name] went off the car and were outside on the pavement next to the abandoned restaurant.
"So this is the girl you talked about?" Tex asked.
"Yes, it is her!" Jef said.
"Why hello there! I'm Tex Macadoo and you must be [Your Name]?" Tex said as he shook [Your Name]'s hand.
"Yes, that's me," She said.
"Well you know, it's pretty rare for girls to do the job without any boys around, you know," Tex chuckled.
"I live by myself," She told him.
"Oh, independent woman I see," Tex said with a chuckled. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Anyways enough chitchatting, let me show you where you should be working," Tex said, as [Your Name] looked over at the building and can almost recognize the place a bit.
She squinted as she was unnerved by the image of the cartoon Weasel himself.
[Your Name] and Tex walked inside of the building as the place was damaged and covered in dust.
"I feel like you have recognized this place before haven't you," Tex asked her.
"Uhhh, no not really," She lied to him.
"Well then, I would like you to meet Willy Weasel and his gang," Tex said before turning on the tv as a static tv was showing Willy Weasel and the gang.
"Hey, kids! It's Willy The Weasel! Come and meet the gang!" Willy said to the crowd of children. "We've got Arty the Alligator, Siren Sara, Cammy the Chameleon, Gus Gorilla, Knighty Knight, Ozzie the Ostrich, and Tito the Turtle!"
[Your Name] cracked up as she thought Willy said Tito The Toilet.  But she still put up a fake smile as they were singing their birthday song.
Then Tex turned off the tv.
"Now let me show you the staff room," Tex said as they moved forward.
All eight animatronics stood still, shouted down, and as they were scrapped and dirt collected on their skin and fur.
You flinched as the animatronics began to unnerve you.
"Hang on a sec miss, just let me open the door," Tex said as he was trying to open the clogged door.
She began to look around the room as tables and chairs were all over the place as there was a ball pit in the corner.
As she went looking around, Willy, stood up and looked at the girl. He looked affected as he saw the soft [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair and smooth [Skin color] skin. As the female was wearing her [Clothes of choice]. He felt really, effective for you as he began to wag his animatronic tail around.
You heard something and turned over back to the stage as the animatronics were still in position.
'I really felt like I was being watched,' She thought nervously as Tex finally opened the door.

"This thing always gets busted a lot enh?" Tex nervously chuckled.
"Anyways you clean this whole place down and I can have your tired fixed," Tex said.
"Yes, deal," She nodded, then Tex gave her the shirt.
"Now, congratulations miss [Your Name]. You are official staff!" Tex said as she grabbed the shirt. "I will let you change and the sponge and mop is in the kitchen,"
Tex then left as you took off your shirt and began to change into the staff shirt know and love.
Tex went outside with Jef.
"Let's get out of here because I don't want to hear a grown woman scream," Tex said.
"Yes let's get the hell out of here," Jef agreed.

𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢'𝚜 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛...
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎
Yay! I'm writing a book for once! Sorry if it took a while due to school. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Word count: 953

Correction? Yes

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