𝟎𝟓. 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 • 𝙹𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜

"I know the bullshit story they told you. That if you clean up the place tonight, they'll pay to have your tires fixed by morning, right?" Liv told [Your Name] as she got a pipe snake for the drains. "It's a lie. They've said the same story to countless other over the last 20 years. They baited you. You're here to be a human sacrifice. You're here to be eaten and killed, Do you understand that?"

But she didn't listen to her but silent. Willy and his gang never ate or killed her.

"This town has a dark history. And it all starts with this horrible place...." Liv began


Willy's wonderland. There were a lot of of children running around, playing around, eating hot dogs as the animatronic gang were singing and playing their instruments.
"You know, Willy's may seem like a happy-go-lucky child's play place, but it's much, much more than that," Liv told her.
"Willy's was built in 1996, the brainchild of Jerry Robert Willis. If that name sounds familiar to you, it should. Jerry was one of the last century's most sick and sadistic serial killers," Liv said.
Jerry Wallis. He was was watching over the guest as he was pretending to have fun for the party.
"Jerry spent most of the time cultivating similar sickos. I mean, these were the most depraved people you could ever imagine," Liv continued
Jerry and his crew were hanging out at the longe, making jokes and having fun.
Then Jerry was wearing a Willy suit and put in the head so he can louer families to The Super Happy Fun Room.
"Often, Jerry and his crew would whisk away unsuspecting families to the Super Happy Fun Room. Once inside, the families would be treated to a birthday cake and a private show by Willy Weasel. The shows would always end the same way,"
There was a little boy on his birthday and has a private show with his family and Willy Weasel. Then Willy looked down and sliced the kids back neck open.
His face planted on the cake as Willy took the girl as well and murdered her too.

"After numerous missing persons reports and suspicious smells coming from the inside of Willy's, the law felt it was time to investigate,"
The police eventually came to Willy's Wonderland during the night. They burst through the door and made their way to the super happy fun room.
When they went in. They found something unsettling.
"Jerry and his gang refused to be taken alive. After the police finally entered the Super Happy Fun Room, they discovered that Jerry and his crew had performed a satanic suicide ritual. Instead of surrendering, the killers decided to take their own lives. Those familiar with satanic rituals speculate that the suicide ritual was some sort of a Katra transfer of energy where the memory and consciousness of the living relocate into non-living entities," Liv explained.
They did an satanic ritual that they took off their live instead of being caught by the police. So they transferred their souls into the none living.
"In this case, the animatronics robots,"
Willy opened his eyes seeing the light.

"Ten years later, Willy's reopens with a new owner, Tex Macadoo. He tries to keep the current public unaware of its horrific past. Things are wrong from the start. There's reports that the creatures would move on their own,"
A little girl tried to hug Gus. Gus moved and wobbled around. The little girl tried to get out of his grasps.
"Some would say things they weren't programmed to say,"
A boy saw Sara in the hall way. He looked around to see coast was clear. He was trying to touch Sara's breasts.
"Mhm! Wanna fuck fatty?" Sara said in a flat tone that made the little boy surprised.
"And others would kill and feast on customers,"
Willy saw a little boy right in front of him on the stage. Then he bit onto his shoulder and a chunk of fleash went off his chest. The boy cried of the pain.

"After several ghastly incidents, Willy's closes its doors again. But Tex still doesn't bulldoze it to the ground. Why, you may ask?" Liv asked.
"Why?" [Your Name] asked after she was done with this one cup.
"Because Willy got to him," Chris said. "Convinced him to make a deal with the devil,"
"Along with all those other backwoods inbreds in this sorry town," Dan said.
"Speaking of backwoods inbreds, where'd Bob and Kathy go?" Arron asked.

Bobby and Kathy made their way into the super happy fun room.
"This is where it actually happened. This is where those kid killers offed themselves," Kathy said as she took off her coat and placed it on a empty chair.
Bobby was playing around with the disco ball as Kathy felt turned on by all of this.
"Is it weird that I'm getting really turned on right now?" Kathy asked Bobby.
"Oh, you a freak freak," Bobby said to her.
"It's never seemed to bother you before," Kathy told him as she went closer to him.
"Who says it bothers me now?" Bobby asked as he held on to Kathy. Then they began to kiss, and then it began to go passionate.
Bobby looked up on Kathys head with a birthday crown.
"Happy birthday, baby," Bobby said.
"It's not my birthday," Kathy said before Bobby turned her around.
"I still wanna see you in your birthday suit," Bobby flirted right before he was about to take off her top reviling her bra.

Something here is starting to start like...


Author note:
Sorry if it short. I have golf practice and school in my way. Well at least I'm almost done with middle school- and soon going to high school. So it might be fun. Also we are haft way there of the story! :DDD
So I might make a poll to ask who should I do next in the future because I'm running out of ideas.
I might do Ozzie or Gus next. Well let's find out after I'm done with this!

Words: 1031

Correction: Yes

♡︎𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥♡︎Where stories live. Discover now