𝟎𝟐. 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 • 𝙱𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚄𝚙
While Gus kept dragging [Your Name]'s arm to the main room her arm turned red due to the heavy grip of the gorilla.
Then when Gus took her to the main room as everyone was activated, she became so nervous that she didn't know what to do. Then Willy saw her as Gus put her on a chair and strapped her onto the chair with rope with her arms behind and her legs in front.
She tried to escape as Willy went closer to her. But yet it was no use. She began to close her eyes as she waiting for death around the corner.
But actually. Willy touched her cheek with his giant paw. She then opened her eyes as she saw a giant weasel right in front of her face. She felt anxious as her arms and legs were shaking.
"Don't be a scared doll, we won't hurt you~" Willy purred at her. She felt very concerned and weirded out as a giant ass weasel was flirting with her.
"S-So you a-ain't gonna k-kill me?" [Your Name] asked as the weasel smirked at her and laughed.
"Since you too beautiful, I can't," Willy told her before pulling his claws out and put the finger on her neck, and whispered. "And I will eat you, under you~"
As Willy placed another finger from his other arm to the private part. her face turned red as he said that and touched the area.
"Now Gus, untie her, we will make her stay here for the night," Willy told Gus as he nodded and untied her. Her hands and feet were purple due to the grip of the rope. Then Willy went down to her level. "Now you promise me that you won't run off if you do. You are done,"
Willy placed his finger to her chest where the heart was supposed to be.
She gulped and nodded.
"Ok, deal," She nodded. Willy began to stand up.
"Good girl~," Willy said as he patted her head. "Now you have your break time. Now Siren Sara. Go watch her in the kitchen to make sure to not have an escape plan,"
"Alright Willy," Siren Sara said as she went up to you. "Now let's go to the kitchen you must be thirsty,"
[Your Name] nodded at her. Siren Sara smiled at her.
"Now, come with me," Sara said as she grabbed her hand, you grabbed her back as you two went inside of the kitchen.

Sara placed [Your Name] gently on the counter and went to the fridge and grabbed a [Drink of Choice] from the fridge. Then Sara opened the drink and handed it to [Your Name].
"Here you go miss [Your Name]," Sara smiled as she handed you the drink.
"Thanks, Sara," [Your Name] smiled at her.
"No problem [Your Name]!" Sara smiled at her before she climbed up the cabinet with her and sat next to her. "So [Your Name], question honey. When was your first time at Willy's?"
"I was a child like about 5 years old when it reopened. I didn't understand better when I was that age," {Your Name] told the siren fairy.
"So another question, who was your favorite?" Sara asked.
"I don't really have a favorite, if I have to choose it has to be Willy," [Your Name] told her, her answer.
"Yea agree," Sara nodded. "Willy is not what you think now. He is a nice and caring guy, during when your 5, I noticed that I think that you were his favorite because he kept looking at you,"
"Oh, no wonder he tried to seduce me," [Your Name] told her as she chuckled a little.
"Mhm true, by the way, can you tell me more about your first time at Willy's?" Sara asked.
"Well... prepare for this story, it's gonna be long," [Your Name] told her.
"I'm fine with that!" Sara nodded as she was prepared for the story.
[Your Name] nodded as she cleared her throat.
"Ok, so..."
The young little girl [Your Name] was drawing her favorite characters from the Willy's Wonderland tv show. She adored the show a lot and her fictional crush was Willy. She even made cutouts, homemade plushies from her mom and dad. She was a huge fan of Willy and his gang. But she was Willy's biggest fan. She just turned 5 today. She was gonna spend her birthday with her family and some of her friends at Willy's Wonderland.
'It's gonna be the best birthday ever! I'm gonna meet Willy and his friends in person for the first time of my life!' The little [Your Name] thought excitedly as she was drawing her and Willy holding hands. Then when she has the ability to go up to Willy and hand over the picture to him. But she was a shy little girl so she was nervous to see her crush there.
After she thought about it, she finished her drawing of her and Willy.
She then whipped the sweat from her forehead and onto her tiny oak wood desk.
"[Your Name] sweetie! It's time to go!" Her mother,[Mother Name], yelled from downstairs.
"Coming mommy!" [Your Name] said as she grabbed her drawing and her Willy plushie. And she ran downstairs to her mother and father.
"Your friends gonna meet you at Willy's got everything?" Her Father, [Father Name], told her. She nodded as her answer.
"Yes I did daddy," She told him.
"Great let's go!" [Mother Name] said as [Your Name] and her parents are gonna meet her friends at Willy's. They went in [Your Sexuality] colored car. [Mother Name] and [Father Name] were in the front and [Your Name] was in the back seat as her mom grabbed her phone and played her daughter's favorite songs playlist while they were driving.
[Your Name] was hugging her plushie while driving across the road.
When [Your Name] and her parents made it, they parked right next to the building. They got out of the car as she grabbed her drawing and her plushy. When they first walk inside the building, her parents were greeted by her friend's parents.
"Hey [Mother Name] and [Father Name]! How was the drive?" [Your Name]'s friend's dad asked them.
"It was great! There was hardly any traffic!" [Mother Name] told him as [Your Name]'s and her friend's parents talked. Then [Your Name] was greeted by her best friend. Her best friend was, Mandy. But poor young [Your Name] didn't know that she was in a toxic friendship with Mandy. Mandy always told her what to do instead of doing stuff for herself. But Mandy was the only friend at her school.
"Hey, Mandy!" She greeted her.
"Hey [Your Name]! Happy Birthday! I got you a present!" Mandy said as she handed you a [Least Favorite Color] wrapping paper with [Favorite Color] strips on it.
As she handed [Your Name] the present she smiled but cringed on the inside.
"T-Thanks Mandy! I see you know me well," [Your Name] lied just to make Mandy happy.
"Anytime [Your Name]!" Mandy smiled. "No friend will say that [Least Favorite Color] was your favorite!"
[Your Name] rolled her eyes at her, then mean ol Mandy noticed it and she got mad and into brat mode.
"D-DID YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME?!" Mandy yelled at [Your Name]. The female held her plushy to her chest as she was scared of her and a few tears fells from her eyes. And rapidly shook her head no. Then Mandy roughly grabbed her hands as her drawing and plushy fell to the floor. "If you do this again, imma destroy your 'boyfriend'!"
As Mandy pointed at the plushy on the ground. She knew that you were in love with Willy.
"Y-Yes," [Your Name] cried. Then Mandy let go.
"Good," Mandy said as she let go of her.
"Mandy! Be nice to your friend! It's her birthday party today remember?" Her father reminded her.
"Ugh, you don't have to remind me," Mandy scoffed at him.
"Mandy! One more butt like that and your ground," Her dad reminded her before she scoffed at him again.
Then [Your Name] picked up her drawing and plushy.

♡︎𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥♡︎Where stories live. Discover now