𝟎𝟕. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽 • 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝙶𝚘𝚝 𝙾𝚞𝚝

Sheriff Lund and her assistant, Evan were driving in the police car on their way to Willy's. As there were sirens from their car was outside.
"You ever use your sidearm?" Lund asked Evan as she was driving.
"Oh. In training," Evan said. "But these are just punk kids, right? What, vandalizing and loitering? I doubt we'll need to drop 'em,"
"It's not the kids," Lund told him. "It's Willy,"
It went silent for a moment.
"The dancing rat?" Evan chuckled. Lund just glared at him. "Okay. I get it. I get it. The boys told you to pull a fast one on me. Bravo. Nice try,"
"It ain't no prank. This is real as it gets. I guarani-damn-tee you that," Lund told him.

"See, in town, we knew what was happening at Willy's. We knew there was something supernatural going on. We bellowed to the high heavens that the machines were evil. No one believed us. They thought we were yokels," Lund explained
Tex Macadoo went inside of the restaurant to check on the animatronics but he was stopped by the camera crew who flashed a lot of pictures at him.
"Tex eventually hired a demolition crew to destroy Willy's," Lund said.
Outside of Willy's, Tex shook hands with the demolition crew manager, Eric Miller.
"except the day before bulldozers were set to roll, Eric Miller, the contractor, was found in bed as chewed up as a McDonald's hamburger," Lund told him. "His whole family too,"
Eric was on the couch as his stomach as his guts were out and spread all over the couch.
"After that, there wasn't a man alive that would take the job. The town decided that maybe it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. We told everybody just to stay away from there. We figured we'd just let it rot," Lund continued.

But during the night Willy and his gang went off stage.
"But rabid dogs don't sleep when they're hungry. The machines got out," Lund said.
Willy found a girl smoking where there a no smoking zone was. Willy raised his claws to attack her right after she turned over and looked at him.
"We found bodies at the ice cream shop, the hardware store, and even the school," Lund told him.
There were dead bodies, with blood and guts were Hanging out and all over they dead bodies. Then at the school, there were dead bodies of the workers and the kids all over the place. The school was a bloody mess.
"We had a real Hobson's choice on our hands. You know what that is?" Lund asked.
"No, no choice at all" Evan told her.
"We could either go to war with the machines, come off like crazy people, probably lose a lot of good folk along the way, or..." Lund said.
"Or what?" Evan asked.
"We made a deal," Lund answered.

The lights were all red as Lund, Tex and Ted were with the animatronics as the animatronics were on stage. Just staring blankly at them.
"Leave our people be. Leave our children be. Leave our town be, and... and we will feed you," Lund told them as they made the deal.

"Well, the good news is, I can fix it. The bad news is, it's gonna have to sit till I get the part. Now, Hayesville's one hotel's booked. But I do have a place you can stay tonight. Now, it ain't the Ritz, but it's a roof and it's free if you're willing to do a little light cleaning," Jed told a young version of Liv and her family at Jed's Workshop.
"Best place for a birthday party you've ever seen. Heck, it once was, but we're gonna fix it. Bring her back to life. Congratulations. You are officially on staff," Tex told various people about getting the job.

"We lived up to our end of the bargain and they kept theirs. We tried to find people who wouldn't be missed," Lund said.
A guy with a beanie was cleaning a table until Knighty went up with his sword and swung his sword and cut off his head. His head rolled off the table and onto the floor.
"People with low moral character," Lund continued.
A couple was about to make out in the super happy fun room. Until Cammy caught them and grabbed their throats with their tong and dragged them away to their death.
"And some people who were just at the wrong place at the wrong time," Lund said.
Liv parents, Judy and Karl were in the hall way covered in oil and they were running from the animatronics until they got dragged into their death.
"Things didn't always go exactly as planned. I usually pride myself on being able to expect the unexpected," Lund said.
Lund and Tex looked at the dead corpus of Judy until they heard whimpering from the staff room. Lund and Tex found Liv with her doll in her palms.
"But sometimes, life throws you a zinger, Well, this was the zinger of all zingers," Lund said.
Lund took Liv inside of her car and drove her to her trailer. Then she tucked Liv in bed with her doll.
"Good night, darling. Sweet dreams," Lund smiled softly right before she kissed her forehead.

"So that's why we're going," Evan said.
"Liv, Much as she pisses me off, I couldn't live with losing that girl," Lund said.
But Lund think about it... what's is Liv going...


𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎
I know this is much shorter, I rushed it. QwQ
But I hope y'all understand.
Thanks for 100+ votes on this book, it really appreciate me so much.
Thanks! 💞 ^w^

Words count: 959

Correction: Yes

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