𝟎𝟏. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷 • 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚕
[Your name] stayed while she played on her phone. Luckily she brought her charger with her. She drank some of her [Drink of choice] while she takes short naps and bathroom breaks. Till it went 12 am.
She was in the middle of her nap till she woke up by her alarm clock on her watch. She groans and checks the time.
It was 12 am. She yawned slightly as she placed her phone on the floor. She went to the kitchen and threw her empty [Drink of choice] in the garbage.
She grabbed the mop and sponge and began to clean up the chairs and tables.
A couple of minutes in she already got bored. She grabbed her phone, her earbuds, and then she put up [Favorite song] on her phone right before she continuing cleaning.
She was humming to the song as she cleaned the floor and tables. The animatronics watched as she sang her song.
Willy really loved her voice, his tail wagged a lot quieter.
[Your Name] felt like she was being watched she turned behind her and saw the animatronic stood still but they were looking at her and Willy was drooling. She cringed slightly and continued cleaning.

While she wasn't looking the lights lit up on the ostrich. Ozzie. He stood up and walked off stage and closer to the female mopping the floor.
When she turned over Ozzie stood straight frozen. They stared at each other for a few seconds before she tapped the bird's fluffy stomach lightly with her finger. He glared at her aggressively. They need her.
[Your Name] backs away slowly to not disturb Ozzie. But Ozzie followed her step by step.
"Don't be afraid pretty girl, we are not gonna hurt you," Ozzie said in his glitchy tone.
"W-wait what?" [Your Name] exclaimed as she falls back from a chair and crawling back from the giant ostrich walked tours her.
"W-Willy said we need you," Ozzie said as his head kept twitching. The young female was scared she didn't know what to do.
So she grabbed a mop and pointed at Ozzie's long neck.
"If you ever try to touch and scare me like this, your days are numbered," She growled at him.
"Well sweet cakes if I ever wanted to hurt you,"  Ozzie chuckled as he moved his wing to push off the mop of his neck. "I would've done so...."
Ozzie's eyes turned black as he was glitching like crazy. [Your Name] nervously gulped at him and rapidly nod at him.
"Good girl~," Ozzie purred as he patted her head right before the lights flickered out, and then when the lights went back on, he was back on stage.
[Your Name] nervously gulped as she got back up brushing the dust off her shirt right before finishing off cleaning the chairs and tables.
When [Your Name] went to the male's bathroom to clean. It was full of grease and graffiti signs. She yawned quietly and then she started to clean up the men's bathroom. By one stall and the other stall.
Right after she cleaned up the men's bathroom she went to the female's bathroom and was about to clean till she heard some music from the other room.

[Your Name] walked into the main room and saw as the animatronics were performing with their instruments.
"Hey Tito," Willy told Tito, the turtle.
"Hola Willy," Tito told him.
"I heard there is a very beautiful birthday girl in the audience tonight," Willy smirked at the young female as she stood still shocked. How come he was about to bang her or something.
"Si Willy! Cantamos!" Tito said before they started to sing their birthday rhythm.
[Your Name] cracked up a smile as she saw them perform. Even though she thinks Willy is kinda scary, but he acts kinda, adorable.
Right after the show was over they shut down. But something was off. Willy looked at her and winked at her.
She flinched lightly nearly blushing.
'Why I am blushing for an animatronic? After all, he is a weasel after all. But he might be a very adorable weasel though...' She thought right before she went back to the women's bathroom.
But something else was very off.

There was blood on the mirror that says 'Beautiful Lady~ - Willy Weasel' [Your Name] smiled lightly but apparently, she has to take it off because she has to clean.
But right before she cleans it off, she grabbed her phone and took a photo of it to keep it for memory. Then she grabbed the spray and a washrag and began to whip it off.
Willy smiled as he thinks that he will get the girl.
"Let's play hide and seek!" A voice cooed as all of the bathroom stalls were closed. She looked back and saw all of the bathroom stalls were closed.
"You'll never find me~" A voice that sounds like Gus told the young female.
She began to be concerned that she was busy that she has no time for hiding and seek.
"I will keep you here just like Willy said," Gus told her as he laughed echoed in the bathroom.
She opened the first stall it was just nothing.
"Your iced as an igloo!" Gus told her teasing her.
Then she opened the second stall but still, it was nothing.
"Happy day, you're getting warmer," Gus told her by a sign that she is getting close.
Then she opened the third stall but still, it was nothing.
"Your high as a pancake on a grill which is yummy!" Gus said as the answer was the next stall to her left.
Then she opened the final stall. There was no answer yet no one was still there. She looked around the room. No was there. She thinks that she was tripping right before Gus was behind her. She backed away till she hit his fluffy chest.
"Why hello there madam~" Gus purred at her. She shuttered not knowing what to do. "I see you are the new janitor I see, I never see many girls go off alone like this,"
She stood there frozen while looking up at the gorilla.
"Now Willy needs you," Gus said as he gripped her hand and dragged her to the main room.
You have nervous thoughts. What are they gonna do to you? Eat your flesh or

𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞...?
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎
Ok, I was in a blushing mess while Writing for Gus. Because I mean, I am a giant simp for him. Yet school was stopping me to write this this is why that I am not usually online. Anyways have a great day/Night! ^^ ♡︎

Word count: 1123

Correction? Yes

♡︎𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥♡︎Where stories live. Discover now