𝟎𝟗. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿 • 𝙸𝚖 𝚂𝚘 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢

While [Your Name] got up as she was still hand cuffed. The animatronics looked at her with sinister looks on their faces.
"Oooo miss [Your Name] wanna play!" Ozzie chirped.
"Well let's play hide and seek!" Gus giggled.
"Sorry madame, we are more on feasting," Knighty said as he grabbed his sword.
"I want your organs so I can eat them," Arty smirked as he licked his lips.
"Hey, cowgirl. Ready for a little ménage à trois?" Sara smiled as she cocked her head.
"Playtime isn't over now [Your Name]," Cammy said.
[Your Name] gulped as she backed away before she hit her foot on the juke box that played "Suit and Tie (FiASKO remix)". Then she stepped up closer to the animatronics as they were getting ready for their play time. As the song was playing in the background.
'It's gonna be a long night,' [Your Name] thought.

Evan was driving Liv back to the trailer after intruding Willy's. It was silent.
"You can't arrest me," Liv told him.
"Can and will," He said back.
"Breaking and entering, destruction of property, and I'm pretty sure that was a dead body on the floor. What's worse, the dead body you saw, or the guy that you left to die? Are you ready to be a murderer? Because that's exactly what you're gonna be. You're gonna be a cold-blooded...!" Liv growled at him before he hit the breaks of the car.
"Shut up! I ain't no murderer!" Evan yelled at her.
"Then what are you?" Liv asked. Evan went silent for a moment. "You're complicit. You're just another cult member recruited by the sheriff to do all of her dirty work!"
"I ain't no cult member and I ain't no murderer," Evan told her. "And how 'bout you, huh?"
"Living with the sheriff all these years, all this going on, what have you done? You don't know what it's like living with her. My entire life, it's like I've been a ghost. And no matter what I do, it doesn't change who she is. So I thought maybe I could do something right and burn this fucking place down. So I am doing something. What about you? Hmm?" Liv explained to him. "You just gonna sit there and watch all of this happen and not do anything about it? I'm gonna set things right,"
"That's what I'm goddamn gonna do. You'll see," Evan said right before a blue arm gripped onto Evan's neck and began to chock him. Liv was in shock as Tito was on top of the car chocking him.

As [Your Name] was ready. Sara did a cartwheel and [Your Name] pushed her down. And then she tripped Cammy landed face first onto the floor. Then she stomped on Ozzie's foot knocking him down onto the floor. As he knocked the others down.
[Your Name] sighed as she saw the animatronics on the floor. 'I'm sorry,' she thought right before she went to the kitchen to get the cuffs off.

"Evan!" Liv yelled as Tito threw him off the car and eat the flesh off his neck. Then Liv grabbed the shot gun from the car.
"Give me the keys. Give me the fucking keys," Liv yelled at him.
"Ah, siempre a tu servicio, senorita Liv, (Ah, Always at your service Senorita Liv)" Tito told her as he had the keys and threw it to the ground.
Liv cocked the gun and about to shoot but realized there weren't any bullets in there.
"Que pena, estas buscando esto? (What a shame, aren't you looking for these?)" Tito asked as he got the bullets and dropped them to the ground.
"Oh shit!" Liv whispered.
"Now, come here Chica" Tito walked over to Liv right before hit him with the gun dropping him down to the ground.
"No fun for you! You creepy turtle!" Liv growled right before she began to hit him with her gun.
"Oi my balls!" Tito yelled in pain as he kept getting hit.
Tito kept screaming in pain until she heard a crack.
Tito begged Liv for no more. Then Liv dropped the gun and began to walk back to Willy's.

[Your Name] took a sigh before she began to clean up the place. She began to place chairs and tables to the wall as she cleaned the floor with the mop. To get rid of the blood that has been left over.
Then she cleaned the posters and every rooms. Then she grabbed the dead bodies of the teenagers and put them in the back of the building.
Then she grabbed the shut down animatronics and placed them in the front of the building. Then she saw Lund in the truck.
"Hi?" [Your Name] said as she awkwardly waved at her.
"That little son of a bitch," Lund said.
Right before [Your Name] was about to go back inside. Lund stopped her.
"Hold it right there, girl!" Lund yelled as [Your Name] paused. "Inside now!"

[Your Name] followed her orders and went inside of the restaurant while Lund had a gun pointing at her. While they got in. There was no one on stage.
"We had a good thing, but you just went and fucked it all up. Look at me. Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Lund yelled at her. [Your Name] was silent and turned around and looked at her nervously.
"All you had to do was die. Was that so hard?" Lund asked.
"Y-Yea," [Your Name] said nervously and shyly.
"No, you just had to go ahead and stay alive, and now we got five dead kids because of you You might have knocked out a few electronics, but I got a feeling that you can't stop a round!" Lund yelled at her. "Willy! Willy needs to eat, and I'm gonna feed him. Willy, come and get it!"

Then the lights went out for a second. When it went on Willy was behind her. Lund turned around and saw him in shock. She dropped the gun and turned over to [Your Name]. Then Willy swiped his paw swiping her in haft. Blood splattered everywhere.
Then Willy walked over to [Your Name] as he stepped on the gun during the progress. Then he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall where the birthday button was.
As the birthday song was on. Willy was horny now. He took off her shirt and smirked.
"Now let's have round two~" Willy purred before he kissed her neck. She moaned a little as he began to nibble on it with his teeth. Tearing off her skin and making it bleed.
She began to whimper as he began to suck her blood.
"You taste so good," Willy whispered before he cut her bra off as it dropped to the ground. Then he dug his claws into her chest. As went down to her breasts.
"S-Stop!" She moaned as he licked her chest as he roughly grabbed her hip while his claws was out.
"Heh no," Willy purred before he took off your bottoms and underwear and inserted his finger with his claw out into your entrance.
It felt really painful as she moaned as a tear was dripping from her eye. Then he began to trust his finger in and out roughly.
Then blood leaks out of your entrance. Willy felt very entertained by this.
Then he took off his overalls as his cock was showing. This time it was more huge then usual. Then he grabbed her and carried her. Then he entered her without a warning. She began to moan very loudly as he began to trust hard and fast.
"Ugh~ Your so good~" Willy growled as his claws dug inside of her back. She whimpered as she gripped roughly on his fur. Willy grunted as he kept going. "I-I'm almost there,"
Then suddenly he came right inside of her ass.
Then he dropped her to the floor as he shoved his cock inside of her mouth without a warning.
Then she began to suck it as Willy trusted. Willy moaned as he felt with pride and lust. Then he shoved it all the way in her mouth. She chocked as Willy growled. Then she grabbed his balls as Willy moaned.
"Good girl," he chocked as he grabbed her head bobbling it as his claws dug straight to her brain.
She whimpers as she couldn't speak as the cock was in her mouth chocking her. Then without a warning he came in his mouth.
She chocked all of the cum from her mouth.

Then [Your Name] saw a pocket knife on the ground so she grabbed it and cut off Willy's cock. Willy screamed as he fell to the ground.
She growled before she goes on Willy's lap and stabbed him in the heart. Willy began to glitch as oil and sparks came all over.
"G-G-Good G-G-Girl...." Willy chocked before he shut down.
She realized what have she done. She was shaking and dropped the pocket night as she began to cry.
"I-I can't believe I did this!" She cried. "I'm sorry....

𝙸𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢!"

𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎
It wasn't long as I expect but it was still worth it. But I hope y'all enjoyed this. Only one more chapter to go! 
I edited so Tito isn't horny for Liv anymore

Words: 1528

Correction: Yes

♡︎𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥♡︎Where stories live. Discover now