𝟎𝟑. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 '𝐅𝐮𝐧' 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 • 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 '𝙵𝚞𝚗' 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖
When Siren Sara and [Your Name] went back to the main room. Willy was super excited for her as his tail kept wagging in place.
"Hey [Your Name] welcome back!" Willy smiled at her as he tackled her with a hug.
"Y-Yep it's me!" She told Willy as he was crushing her with his hugs.
Then Willy finally let her go and placed her on the ground.
"So how are you with Siren Sara?" He asked her.
"We did great!" Sara told him as [Your Name] nodded.
"Yes, we did great and we bounded up more," She told Willy.
"That's great! Now [Your Name], I have a special favor for you," Willy told her.
"Uhhh, what is it?" [Your Name] asked him.
"Can you clean the super happy fun room because I don't want to have weird flashbacks from there," He told her? Then she remembered the story that she told Sara.
"Yes, I was about to do that," [Your Name] nodded before heading to the super happy fun room with her sponge, spray, and mop to clean.

While she was leaving the main room Willy began to smirk. He was targeted at [Your Name]'s ass and he was licking his lips.
"Uhhh Willy what are you looking at?" Ozzie asked Willy while he was sitting on the stage. Then Willy snapped back from his sexy daydreaming.
"U-Uhhh, it's none of your business Ozzie," Willy said as his cheeks were red. Then Ozzie began to smirk.
"You are simping for the new janitor Wills?" Ozzie smirked at him. Willy's heart skipped a beat when he said that and he became nervous as his tail was wagging a lot.
"N-No! I'm not!" Willy growled at the ostrich as he made a Lenny face.
"Suit your self weasel," Ozzie told him. Willy growled as he was angry.
'Fine, you know what. I am gonna do it. I don't care if someone is gonna stop me. I just need to stop being turned on by her,' Willy thought before he made his way to the super happy fun room.

Right after [Your Name] cleaned up the super happy fun room. She whipped off the sweat from her forehead from all the hard work she has been through. Now the room was fresh and clean.
Then Willy went by the door and knock on the door to gain her attention.
Her heart jumped for a moment and turned over and saw Willy.
"Hey [Nick Name]," Willy smiled at her while entering the room.
"Oh hey, Willy. I just got done cleaning," [Your Name] told him.
"Good, good," He said nodding and locking the door. Her heart jumped as her face turned into heat she knew what exactly Willy gonna do to her. So then [Your Name] stepped away slowly from the weasel as he went closer and closer to her. Till she hit the wall and then he was very taller than her. He looked down at the flustered female with a smirk.

"W-Willy? What are you doing? We just reunited like today?!" [Your Name] exclaimed as she began to drain the color from her soul.
"Well, dear [Your Name], I just need a new favor from you," Willy said as he got his claw out and rugged it onto her shirt.
The poor girl shivers down her spine as she got goosebumps on all of her skin.
"W-What is it?" She asked nervously as the weasel started to touch her breasts.
"I need you~," He growled before started to squeeze the breasts as his claws went through her shirt and bra.
She gasped and shuttered trying not to moan as her face turned into heating red.
Then the weasel suddenly roughly makes out with her as he was rubbing her breasts.
Then suddenly she started to feel turned on a little bit then she put her hands onto his shoulders as he grabbed his hands and put them around her hips.
Then her hands wrap around his long neck. He smirked and started to nibble onto her neck.
She tried not to moan too loud or others would hear them.
Then he started to lick her neck as she moaned quietly and silently. Then he twirled his finger around her chest next to her boob.
She began to moan lightly as the weasel chuckled with lust.
Then Willy took off [Your Name]'s top and began to lick all over her chest. She moaned a little bit louder as her body was shaking so much. As the giant paw press angst the left boob.
Willy took off his overalls as she saw a orange cock from the bottom between his legs. She tried to look away but couldn't because it was too clean and oozing liquid.
Her legs began to tingle as the weasel dropped her onto the floor as her face was facing forward next to his cock.
"Now you know the drill," Willy smirked at her waiting.
But she couldn't help but grabbed it and began to lick the cock. He began to grunt as a light pain hit through his cock with the grip and licking.
She began to close her eyes imaging it was a popsicle. Willy kept grunting as he tugged some of the hair roots from her hair.
Then he pulled her by the hair going deeper into his cock.
She can't be able to speak with the cock fully inside her mouth.
"Urgh~ such a naughty girl I see," The weasel smirked at her.

Right after that action. Willy then pinned [Your Name] to the ground as she was coughing out the spit from the cock.
Then he pulled her bottom off and then her underwear. Then suddenly he began to lick the inside of her leg and into her vagina.
She moaned a little louder as there were tingles from the inside of her legs and her vagina.
Then he spread out the legs and began to lick through her vagina no stop.
She moaned louder as she began to tug the fur from Willy's head.
Then he licked deeper adoring the taste. She felt really enjoyed and weirded out that an animatronic was fucking her.
After a while of licking, she then can't hold it but spray some water out of her, she groaned loudly from the pain.
Willy then licks all of the liquid off and then stood up. Then he flipped her over. She was all concerned and anxious.
Then he starts to push his cock into her ass. She began to groan into the pain because his cock was huge. He began to line himself up before he started to push in and out slowly.
She was moaning by the pain as she felt like her ass hole was on fire.
Then he dug his claws through her ass and goes faster every second.
She moaned loudly of the pain as there were little tears in her eyes.
While he kept going he smacks her ass during the progress as the horny weasel was fucking her.
He kept banging into her faster and harder stating that he was almost there.
"Ooh~ [Your Name] I'm almost there," Willy groaned while going faster and harder.
"M-mmh~!" She moaned out right before Willy cummed all the way inside of her ass. She moaned as he grunted by the pain.

Right after he came, he pulled his cock off of her as so much cum was on his cock and her ass.
Willy and [Your Name] were stressed out by all of the fun they had.
She turned over bare naked and laid on Willy's chest to take a quick snooze.
"Mm~ that was great [Your Name], how you know how to do this?" He asked her.
"Well I have experienced before," She told him.
"Oh, I love you [Your Name]," He laughed.
"Love you too," She yawned before she took a deep sleep onto his chest. Willy yawned too right before he leaned to the wall and placed his paw onto her back and cuddled with her. Then he wants to sleep too.
While they were sleeping. Arty walked in by all of the noise that was in the super happy fun room. He saw [Your Name] and Willy bare naked cuddling with each other.
Arty was super weird out and went back to the main room didn't say a word.
Then suddenly...

𝙰 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙...

𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
DAMN YALL THAT WAS SPICY AF! Sorry if it took a while to make it, I was busy with school and other things. So I hope Yall enjoy this smut chapter. (Most likely not) but I think in the next chapter-

Words: 1468
Correction? Yes

♡︎𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥♡︎Where stories live. Discover now