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I wake to the sound of voices entering the barn. I sit bolt upright and listen closer. 
"Stop it Nick you'll get us in trouble with the mayor again!" a voice says. 
"Don't be a sissy George, now hurry up," says the other voice. 

I sit silently and listen to them argue, startled moos and thinking cowbells reveal their plan. I peek over the edge of the hayloft to look at the boys. They're around my age I think. They're about the same height as each other. One of them has dark hair that flops over his eyes messily tucked into a white bandana. A white tee shirt with a pixelated flame covers a black long-sleeved undershirt. His pants are black and have white stripes down the side and his checkered black and white converse shoes are well worn. He grabs one of the cows with a rope and starts to lead it out of the barn. 

His friend tries to stop him. He's wearing a blue tee-shirt with a red bar in the front. Big white-rimmed glasses cover his eyes and baggy jeans hang over his black converse shoes. They seem to be rather wealthy, at least in comparison to me. 

"Sapnap, stop you're more likely to kill the cow than actually get it out of this barn." His friend sounds exasperated. Tommy stirs and sits up, I put a finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. He comes over to me to watch the two men argue. 
"Let's go George or else we'll be caught again! You don't want Dream on us again do you?" His tone is slightly patronising and the boy called George sighs and rubs the back of his neck. 
"I suppose not..." he starts. 
"YES LESGOOOO," yells Sapnap, George sushes him. 
"Now hurry up let's get the hell out of here." I looked next to me for Tommy only to find that he wasn't there anymore. My eyes widened and I looked around frantically for the boy.
"Tommy!" I whisper shouted and cursed under my breath when I spotted him. At the entrance of the barn. 
"AY STOP RIGHT THERE LADS!" He put a hand up in front of him. 
"That cow doesn't belong to you! That's Henry! He's not going anywhere!" Was Tommy serious right now? When did he name that cow?! I rolled my eyes and woke Tubbo quickly knowing we'd have to drag Tommy out soon enough. 
"This isn't your cow, we know the farmer," George said pointedly. 
"I- IT IS MY COW SHUT UP!" Tubbo and I shake our heads. 

"Alright alright big man let's go," Tubbo takes his friend by the arm. 
"Hey who's this? and who's she?" said Sapnap looking between me and Tubbo who had slipped down from the hayloft. 
"None of your business, we'd like to leave now," I said with my hands on my hips.
"It is so our business, we're trying to bust out a cow and you guys were spying on us!" Sapnap accused.
"You're stealing a cow!"
"GUYS!" George yelled we all stopped arguing. 
"Old man Mcqueary is coming we need to leave or he'll sell us out to the mayor again!" we rushed over to where George was standing by the barn door. A middle-aged man with a straw hat was walking towards us. He was big, much bigger than most of us besides Tommy. 
"George come on!" Sapnap pulled his friend into the hayloft.
"HEY WAIT-" I chased after them and Tommy and Tubbo followed. They lept out the back window into some hay bales and took off towards town. 
"Just how many times have they done this?" said Tubbo. 
"And how many times have they been caught?" I said.
"TALK LATER RUN NOW!" Tommy yelled and grabbed our hands and pulled us out the window with him. We ran after Sanap and George into the streets, hopping up on a cart and barrels onto the roofs of the town. We ran laughing and hollering as we sped wildly across the rooftops. 

"OI!" we heard a yell from the streets and saw a group of policemen start chasing us. uh oh. 
"Tubbo! Tommy! Faster!" I yelled at them. 
"OH SHIT" "HOLY FUCK" they both said at the same time and went even faster. Sapnap and George noticed too. We ran out of roofs and slipped down an alleyway. We came out the other side and saw a horse and cart leaving the village carrying loads of watermelons. 
"THERE!" yelled Tommy. We ran to the cart and Tommy jumped in first, he pulled me in and then we both pulled in Tubbo. We laughed at the police behind us but soon realised that Sapnap and George were trying to get into the cart too. 
"Should we help them?" asked Tubbo. I watched the two of them frantically trying to get away. I sighed and cursed at myself again. 
"Let's pull them in," Tubbo and I grabbed Sapnap whilst Tommy got George. We quietly celebrated in the back of the cart as it took us away to who knows where. 

George and Sapnap spoke to each other in hushed tones and Tommy and Tubbo sat playing paper, scissors, rock. I sat by myself trying to block the voices out of my head. I had been avoiding it all day but soon my worries returned. What are we going to do now? We didn't have anywhere to go, I didn't know anyone outside our village and we only had snacks for the road. Thousands of questions and problems clouded my mind and the voices got louder and louder and louder-
"You ok Y/N?" Tubbo looked concerned. I regained my composure and nodded a little too quickly. He gave me a doubtful look. 
"Yeah woman, you're not looking as hot as my girlfriends usually do." Tommy piped up.
"Wh-what?" you coughed out. Tommy burst out laughing and you all shushed him so as not to alert the driver.  You rolled your eyes and smiled at his humour. 
You pulled out your leather notebook and read through your old notes. George eventually shuffled over. 
"What's that?" he asked. 
"Hm? oh it's an old book of mine, I thought it would help us," I said absentmindedly flicking through the pages. 
"Those are potion recipes," he stated and I nodded. 
"I've always loved chemistry, I tried potion brewing a couple of times too, my school teacher said I had a knack for it as a kid." I reminisced quietly on my schooldays. I would spend hours in the tiny science lab fiddling with the equipment and interrogating my teacher on how it all worked. George hummed. He and Sapnap shared a look I didn't understand. 

We finally slipped out of the watermelon cart when we felt cobblestone under the wheels instead of gravel. 
"Hey look at our luck!" said George. 
"Yes, no more walking!!" Sapnap punched the air. The town was colourful and bright and there were many very strange buildings and sites. 
"Where are we?" I asked them.
"Our home! This is the DreamSMP," I only looked around for a second before my train of thought was cut off. 
"GEORGE SAPNAP WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" A man wearing a green hoodie and black jeans walked up to us. Most distinguishing though, he wore a white mask that had been painted over with a black smiley face. His belt held potions and a large Netherite axe was strapped to his back. 
"Chill out Dream, we just were having fun," Sapnap said obviously feeling cocky. 
"Bad called me saying you were wreaking havoc in one of the eastern towns, he sent me a full report earlier." He crossed his arms. God, he could have been their dad by the way he was acting. He sighed. 
"Whatever, we have work to do you two starting with this new nation that's popped up on our lands." Dream eventually noticed that Tommy, Tubbo and I were still standing here. I felt his eyes on me, scanning. But not in a way that was hostile, in a way that was curious. 
"Who are these guys?" he asked his friends. 
"Y/N, Tubbo and Tommy," George said, almost like a soldier. Dream hummed. 
"I saw their names in the report too. You guys are welcome here as long as you stay peaceful." Dream walked off with George and Sapnap. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

"What a green weirdo," Tommy said. "Let's go check out that nation big man Dream was talking about." 
"Tommy he said we can stay if we're peaceful, I don't think joining an unwanted emerging nation is peaceful..." I was cut off by many arguments on Tommy's part. I eventually caved into his enthusiasm as he dragged us off in a random direction hopefully towards where this nation was. 



Wilting Marigolds (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now