The Emperor || Part 2

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Cover art by @qopter_on twitter



I had stopped with Wilbur in a small clearing in a nearby forest. I knew people would still be after us and no doubt would have seen our escape. I had stopped us only to patch Wilbur's wound as best I could. The arrow was deep and it wasn't safe for me to try and remove it without a healing potion to fix the damage quickly.

I tied the legs of my pants that I had ripped off, leaving me cold in shorts, as tightly as I could around the wound. I needed to try and stop blood from flowing to the area so he didn't lose too much of it. I had also used part of Wilbur's uniform as a gauze. 

I had found a second walkie talkie in my saddle bag that wasn't the one Dream gave me before I left. Dream. He must have known something like this was going to happen. Another thought I had shoved aside for later. I rewired the walkie talkie to intercept the radio frequencies from the announcement system I knew Schlatt would be using to get word to the people. Everyone had a radio, it was one of the main ways Dream communicated with his people. Although, I had never seen him set up our equipment before in the house. 

The scuffed makeshift radio lay on the floor with wires sprouting in all different places as it searched for a stable signal to grab onto. As I was ripping more fabric to use as gauze, my invention crackled and popped and hummed until finally finding the right frequency. Schlatt's slightly distorted voice clawed through the tiny speaker. 

"Until further notice, Wilbur Soot and Tommy are nearly a memory of L'Manburg." I rolled my eyes as I applied as much pressure as I could to the wound trying to slow the bleeding further. I would need to try and disinfect it as best I could with my water skin.

"A relic of the past, a reminder of the darkest era this country has ever seen. I guarantee you all, dear citizens, tonight that changes," Wilbur let out a groan as my hands slipped a little and pulled at his skin. I cursed under my breath, the blood had made everything slippery or sticky with no in-between. 

"We are entering into a new period of L'Manburg. A period of PROSPERITY AND STRENGTH! Of unity. And fat asses, get over here, Big Q where are you?" I sighed deeply, this man was no president. 
"Where's Tubbo?" I heard Schlatt say. I felt my stomach drop. 
"Ah Uhm yes! I am here," a faraway cracked voice came through the walkie talkie. Unmistakeably Tubbo. 
"Ah Tubbo, get up here!" I could see Schlatt waving him over in my mind. 
"Get up here on my podium! You're the secretary of state are you not?" the radio signal cut out. I cursed again and waited for it to return. Wilbur mumbled more nonsense, it wasn't safe, we'd have to move again soon. I just hope Tommy's alright. 

I jumped as the signal of the radio tuned back in a few seconds later. 
"AS MY SECRETARY OF STATE, AS MY RIGHT-HAND MAN!" Schlatt's voice was booming and excited. 
"I need you to do something for me Tubbo," if voices could kill, I'd be dead. Menace dripped from Schlatt's voice and oozed out through the broke walkie talkie. 
"What Mr President?" Tubbo's voice shook. He wasn't there of his own free will, he was terrified of what would happen to him if he didn't listen. 
"I need you to find Tommy, and I need you to show him the door," I sucked in a breath. 
"Rumour had it he's somewhere around, perhaps on top of a building." Jschlatt's voice was full of knowledge and venom, he knew full well exactly where Tommy was and how to draw him out. by using his best friend, who he loved so dearly, against him. 

They've found Tommy.

"Tommy?" Tubbo said.
"Tubbo no!" Tommy's voice was distraught and puffed. He'd been running for his life and now he had to run again. 
"Tommy I'm going to need you to come with me man," Tubbo audible steeled himself, I could almost see the determination in his eyes cement with fear. 
"No Tubbo Tubbo no!" Tommy cried. The radio cut out. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!

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