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This chapter, in particular, is very full-on and very intense, if you don't feel like you can handle any of what's been listed above in any way/shape/form please feel free to skip this chapter. I don't want anyone feeling horrible after reading my work. This is also an EXTREMELY long chapter, excluding A/Ns this is about 2900 words... oops...

Cover image from:


My guttural scream sliced through the air like a rusty blade and was chorused by the cries of the other L'Manburgians. I forced my legs to stand through the pain and I ripped the lead from Sapnap's hands and dove into the water. I couldn't see anything but Tommy. Through the blood that made the water murky, he was there. I kicked down as hard as I could and reached out to him with my bound hands. I was completely and utterly desperate. He would not die as long as I was here. 

I looped my arms over his head and tightened them around his limp body. He was so cold. I kicked off the bottom of the lake and pushed us to the surface. I gasped for air like a fish out of water and frantically looked around. 
"HELP ME!" I screeched as I struggled to kick us back to the lakeside. Tubbo ran into the water and dragged us out with the help of Jack and Wilbur. I lay Tommy on his side and rubbed his back to try and get his body to cough out the water he inhaled. It worked but only barely. 
"TOMMY TOMMY WAKE UP!" I yelled. I gripped the fabric of his jacket and shook him but his eyes stayed firmly shut. 
"Come on Tommy!" Tubbo said he was holding his best friends pale fingers in his kind ones. I could barely breathe, I was panicking. I couldn't see or hear properly. 

The voices were demanding more blood now that they had seen it. Their distorted screeching was one of the few things I could hear under my pulse beating in my ears. My body was shivering from the cold water and night air combined as well as the shock. My eyes were wide taking in every important detail whilst also never letting Tommy leave my sight. 

"TOMMY YOU CAN'T DIE YOU PROMISED ME!" I choked out and cradled the boy's shoulder close to my chest. 
"TOMMY DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!" I yelled. Wilbur was applying pressure around where he had been shot to try and stop the bleeding. We couldn't pull out the arrow without killing him. 
"Y/N we need to get him to the embassy where we can operate." I heard Fundy say through the distorted static. I was wailing and rocking back and forth unable to separate myself from the body. 

Tommy, he was one of my best friends, he was like my little brother. I loved him like family. Tubbo was crying too, but he managed to hold himself together better than I did. Niki was crouched by Tommy's head and sobbing to herself as well. I could see Wilbur's worried looks as he watched her and his even more distressed looks as he tried to hold the wound closed in his brother's chest. 

I felt arms loop around my waist pulling me away. 
"NO I'M NOT LEAVING HIM! STOP IT! STOP!" I writhed and tried to squirm out of Dream's grasp to no avail.
"Come on Y/N we have to go," he said quietly. 
"NO LET ME GO YOU GREEN BASTARD," my screams grew increasingly incoherent. Tommy and I had lost so much, we weren't losing each other. 

I wailed and kicked and punched trying to get away. Dream just held me and took it all, never once retaliating. I couldn't see anything through the tears that made rivers down my cheeks. They dropped fat and hot from my eyes and dripped off my chin onto Dream's hands. My eyelashes were completely soaked and my hair was wild and covers in soot and rubble from the explosions. My clothes were torn and soaked in Tommy's blood and lakewater. I had red sticky liquid all over my hands and face where I had tried to wipe my tears. There was blood all over Dream now, not just on his disgusting hands. 

Wilting Marigolds (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now