New Friends

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We knew we had found what we were looking for when we saw big walls made of black stone rising up into the clear blue sky. Voices echoed within, lots of voices. This wasn't some little community of misfits, it was a large population of people. The three of us peeped through the giant gate at the wall and looked within. 

The town was strange, to say the least. A grey van with a flaming hotdog sat in its centre surrounded by couples of smaller houses. We could see children playing, soldiers chatting next to the van and what looked to be official personnel discussing today's events. In the centre of all the hubbub, an abnormally tall man stood proud. Brown curled poked out from his black beanie and badges and buttons of all varieties glittered on his noble uniform. He had a kind soft smile and a bright twinkle in his eye. 

"WILBUR!" I winced as Tommy and Tubbo shouted together, right in my ear. The man turned around to face us. 
"Tommy? Tubbo? Is that you guys?" he walked briskly to the gate to greet us. 
"EY WILBUR MY FRIEEEEEND MA BRO!" Tommy clasped his hand in greeting and they smiled at one another.
"Tommy it's so good to see you man but what are you doing here?" he looked perplexed. 
"We're just checking out this new nation we've heard so much about," Tubbo said cheerfully whilst Wilbur opened the gate. I watched their interaction quietly, observing the brothers as they spoke to one another. Tubbo couldn't stop smiling and Tommy was loud and boisterous as ever. Wilbur seemed slightly overwhelmed and confused but happy to see them nonetheless. Eventually, they remembered my existence. 

"Tommy, Tubbo who's this?" Wilbur pointed to me
"That's Y/N! She helped us escape from the village," Tubbo said.
"Yeah, she's a good woman she is," Tommy added. 
"Nice to meet you Y/N, now what do you mean you escaped from the village? Is Phil alright?" Wilbur looked very concerned at this and came to shake my hand. 
"I'll explain it all but you may want to sit down first," I say shaking his hand in greeting. 

Wilbur took us to the van in the town centre, a sign at the door dubbed it the "hto dog van", the sight made me smile. Inside behind the driver's seat, there were two long tables crowded with brewing stands. The smell of Blaze Powder and Netherwart was pungent, they had been brewing potions for a while. A back room housed a bed and two large chests crammed against the wall. Wilbur took two chairs from the back room and sat on one and gave me the other. I sat opposite him as he teased Tubbo and Tommy about being children and having to sit on the floor. A smile tugged at my lips at their antics, Tommy complained a lot more than Tubbo did on the matter. 

I told Wilbur everything, the room was dead silent as I relayed our tale. Even Tommy couldn't bring himself to add anything in. As I spoke I felt the voices in my head grow louder. The laughter of my village grew more and more distorted; the voices of my friends and family echoed loud within the masses. I pushed it away deep into the back of my mind and focused on the task at hand. When I had finished my head drooped unconsciously, I felt Tubbo hold my hand assuringly. 

"Shit," Wilbur said. His head rested in his hands and his elbows rested on his knees. He stared hard at the floor processing everything I had told him. 
"We don't know where Phil is Wil," Tommy said quietly, Tubbo bowed his head. You could have heard a pin drop. 
"Do you guys need a place to stay?" Wilbur said, I nodded. 
"We have nothing apart from what's in that bag." I motioned to the bag I had left sitting by the door. Wilbur stood up tall and raised his head.

"You guys are subject to tyranny. Everyone in this village has been. We have all been repressed, held down, battered into line by authority. We've all said no more." Wilbur was dignified in his words and let a fire burn through them.
"Join our revolution, we'll give you all a place to stay and clothes for your backs. We'll train you and make you stronger than you've ever been." I looked at him slightly awestruck. I ticked over his words in my head looking for any possible problem. 

"Wilbur I was in on this revolution the minute I heard about it," Tommy jumped up ready for action. 
"I'm in too!" Tubbo hopped off the floor.
"Y/N?" Wilbur looked at me questioningly and held out his hand. 

"Will you join our revolution, our revolt against tyranny?" I stared at his outstretched hand and then looked at Tubbo and Tommy's faces. This wasn't what I wanted, not exactly. I wanted to return to my nice normal life. My life where I spent my whole days baking and learning about chemistry in the schoolhouse. But, joining this revolution would mean eventually reaching that goal. Eventually having that nice normal life back. Eventually being truly happy again. 
I took Wilbur's hand.

"What do we do first Mr President?"


haha cliffhanger go brrrrrrr. Anyways this was FAR shorter than the past few I know but I'm kinda tired and have some lovely homework to do. 
Hope you're having an amazing day/evening/night :)

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