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We laughed and joked the whole way home. Our victory burnt brightly into our hearts we were merry and giddy with the thought. Eret was quiet whilst we were walking. |I watched him like how an owl would watch a mouse skitter across the floor. I didn't trust him, his constant disappearing without a word, his vague answers to our questions upon his return, the way that he acted in battle today as well. He almost looked as if he was sitting back the whole time. The writhing feeling I got in my gut when I spoke to him was message enough to be wary. But he was a leader of our revolution. He always sounded convicted and devoted when we spoke about our loyalty to L'Manburg. Surely he wasn't that good of an actor, right?

"Gentlemen I have been grinded for a secret weapon in L'Manburg," Eret's deep voice was low as he shared his secret.
"Eret you're just going to pull out a giant missile," Fundy said causing everyone to burst out laughing and joking again but now specifically about missiles.

We all knew that missiles were impossible to make, they hadn't been made since the War of Old World and that was thousands of years ago. All the governments on the planet built-up tension with one another and eventually shot missiles at one another, destroying nearly every country on the planet. What were billions of people was now reduced to a far smaller and unknown number.
Everyone reverted to old technology, unable to continue to produce it as the world's resources were so drained from the consumerism of Old World. We all knew the story, it was why people sounded different and looked different and had different cultures even though they were from the same villages. It was a story taught in schools as a warning about taking some things too far. There were very few governments and kingdoms in the world nowadays as a result of it all. 

"Seriously though, what do you mean you have a secret weapon?" Tommy cut through my train of thought. 
"I have been grinding for equipment and materials and I have gathered them all together for us to help defeat Dream, gentlemen and lady follow me." Eret strode in front of us and we walked back into L'Manburg. It was late in the evening and everyone was in their houses. It was quiet, too quiet. A sort of quiet that felt overly peaceful, almost fake. 

Eret took up to a small hill where a shovel was lying on the floor. He took the shovel and dug at the dirt, a gap opened in the wall. It was hollow. A dark, protracted, meagre tunnel leads into the opaque blackness. Picked up a torch from the inside of the tunnel and lit it with a lighter. 
"This way," he said leading us in. 

Tommy and Tubbo were giddier than I'd ever seen them, their fingers were practically twitching at the thought of brand new gear. Wilbur looked excited too but his brow was creased as if he was worried. Fundy simply couldn't believe Eret had the time to do something like this. Eret refused to look at us as we walked. He was the black spot on an otherwise white piece of paper. Finally, a soft light glowed at the end of the tunnel.

"Lady and Gentlemen, this is the final room. The final control room." Eret walked in first and stood behind a button in the centre of the room. Chests lined the walls with our names, the walls were built of a black stone. It felt like the entire room had eyes, I heard frantic whispering enter my mind. The voices.
The others rushed to their chests whilst I lingered at the door. I took a single step into the room and the voices in my head roared. 

"BLOOD!" They screeched mercilessly. 
"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODDESS," I winced at the ringing that filled my ears. Most of the voices beckoned for blood whilst others yelled at me to run. In the background of it, all was laughter. Distorted sick laughter. My pulse quickened and my heart raced. I lost all control of my breathing as it ran away from me. 

"There's nothing in the chests," a fuzzy voice said. I looked up and realised I could barely see my hand in front of me. Everything was blurred. I fell sideways and leant heavily against the doorframe panting slightly. I was sweating like a pig, the walls were starting to close in around me. 

Then it all fell away as Eret's hand lingered over the button in the centre of the room. 
"Down with the revolution boys," he said and I snapped my head up feeling more alert than ever.
"It was never meant to be," I heard the button click. 

Pistons stripped away blocks in the walls and allowed Dream and his men to storm into the room. I stopped thinking as my body went on auto-drive, hell-bent on protecting my friends. I ripped out my sword and swung it at Sapnap. He parried and pushed my sword away with a loud shing. I continued to strike on the offensive ducking and diving between his swings to put him off balance.

In one of these moments, I slipped behind him and kicked him to the floor. I was about to take another swing when I felt a hand on my upper arm. It gripped me rigidly and proceeded to throw me against a wall. The impact winded me I groaned and opened my eyes. A white mask filled my vision. Dream. I tried to strike him but he whacked my sword with a blow of his own and it flung to the floor with a large clatter. I felt myself pale as Dream socked me in the stomach. I slid down the wall and hit the floor with a grunt. 

I noticed the room had gone silent. Eret stood in the middle of it all, his lips pursed in a straight line, his sunglasses made him unreadable. The silence made the voices roar, the laugher more distorted than before. The screams calling for blood.
"Blood for the blood goddess," they yelled.
Eret didn't look sad but he didn't look entirely overjoyed with his success either. I heard a cough and saw Tommy collapsed by the doorway. 

"Eret, listen to me," He said mustering all the strength he possibly could. The voices grew and I made a strange guttural sound in reply. By this point, I had no control over my own body. 
"I mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up," George kicked Tommy and he groaned with pain and lay down curled up on the floor. 
"No stop," my voice was hoarse and broken, my plea quiet and meek instead of strong and wilful. The voices in my head went psycho and took over everything. My ears rang so hard I thought they were bleeding. My head was ripped with what felt like the worst hangover to ever exist. I cried out in anguish and Dream's head snapped to me watching me closely. He came to kneel in front of me. 
"Farewell gentlemen," I heard Eret say. 
"I'm sorry Y/N," Dream said. I felt a sharp quick blow to my head and I was out cold. 

The voices were silenced. For now...


GAHHHHH FINAL CONTROL ROOM POGGGGGGGGG!! well not pog but it's like one of my favourite scenes in the DSMP lore :D


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