Rallies and New Faces

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"Hey Y/N!" Sapnap yelled from the stairs, I was sitting on the window seat in the kitchen with my journal. 
"Yeah?" I called back, he jumped the last step, I closed my journal as he walked up to me. 
"There's an election rally today just outside of L'Manburg. George is supposed to go because he's running for vice president with Big Q but he's sleeping and I doubt he actually remembers." I chuckle, of course, George would forget. 
"Yeah I'll come, can I bring a friend?"
"A friend?" Sapnap's face twisted with confusion causing me to laugh again. 
"My dove, Cosette?" Sapnap let out a large "oh" and said I could bring her with me. 
"Where's Dream?" I asked. 
"I don't know, out... somewhere... He'll probably show at some point, we leave in five minutes so hurry your ass up!" 
"Hey! Perfection takes time Sippycup," I flicked my hair and pulled a face that made Sapnap laugh. I took myself upstairs to get ready and fetch Cosette who I knew would be at my window. 

A/N: This is what you're wearing (image from @seasonsofella on Instagram)

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A/N: This is what you're wearing (image from @seasonsofella on Instagram)

Sapnap, Cosette and I walked to a new stage that I'd never seen before that sat just outside L'Manburg's walls. On the way, I had learned that during the rally parties would state their policies, beliefs and endorsements. The sky was grey and heavy with impending rain, I hoped it would hold out. Cosette was comfortably fluffed up on my shoulder trying to be as warm as possible in the cold air. It's mid-Autumn now and it is becoming more and more apparent that winter was around the corner. 

"Sap I'll sit in a moment I just need to see some people first," Sapnap frowned but agreed to my request. I stole away to a small building behind the stage where I had seen a messy mop of blond hair through the window. 


"Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo!" I called gleefully as I walked into the building. 
"Y/N!" I heard rapid footsteps as Tubbo dashed down some stairs to greet me at the door. We wrapped each other in a warm hug.
"Is that a bird on your shoulder?" Tubbo said both excited and confused, I laughed. 
"Yes this is Cosette, she's going to be my messenger bird, she'll fly between my house and L'Manburg with letters. That's why she's here, I need you to take care of her when she comes." I fed Cosette some birdseed from my pocket and got her to perch on my hand. 
"Oh my god, she's beautiful!" Tubbo said in awe and gently pet her feathers. 
"Here, she'll sit on your hand if you like," I pressed my knuckles against Tubbo's and Cosette walked across the makeshift bridge onto Tubbo's wrist. 
"This is so cool! I'll definitely look after her," Tubbo was wide-eyed and his grin was as toothy as ever.

"You're here for the rally?" Tommy said, adjusting his uniform as he dashed down the stairs. I hugged my other best friend.
"Yeah Sapnap and I are here, I don't know where Dream is though."
"Green bastard, I hope he gets lost on the way here and falls into a ditch or some shit," Tommy grumbled.
"Tubbo have you got a bird?" he asked and pointed a long finger at Cosette causing me to giggle. 
"It's our messenger bird, Tommy! We can send letters to Y/N now!" Tubbo was still beaming. Tommy was about to make another remark when Wilbur stepped down the stairs. 
"Y/N! We're about to start the rally, I just saw Quackity on the podium so we need to get going." Wilbur said and put a kind hand on my shoulder. I beamed up at him so happy to be surrounded by my closest friends. 

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