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I woke up like I do every morning, early. I've never understood why I wake up so early but I do, my father used to as well. In the early morning light, we would have a stroll down our favourite dirt path in the forest. That's where my appreciation for the natural world came from, my father. He loved everything about the forest, the smell, the sounds, the fat droplets of water that dripped off leaves and would fall onto our heads if it had rained the night before. I didn't always understand it, but I learned to, and now I can't picture my life without loving nature so fully. 

I sighed and stared out my window from my bed which was letting in rays of sunrise. The early light made a window shaped square on the wall beside my head. I sighed again and got myself out of bed. I opened the window and let in the crisp autumn air. It was getting colder by the day and soon it would be winter. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms to wake them up a little and took a deep breath. 

The forest here smelt different to the forest back home, the forest here also smells different to the one that surrounded L'Manburg. I can't describe how each one smells, it's like how people have different scents that you can't describe. Not the smell that's the soap they use or the intense they forever seem to light in their house, it's their own unique smell. The scent of the forests all seemed to have the same effect on me. One breath would quieten the voices, just a little bit. Sweet relief. 

I startled when I heard a sharp few knocks on my door. 
"You can come in," I said and George's head poked through the gap between the door and its frame. 
"Uhm, Dream said we'll get started after breakfast. Oh, he also wanted me to give you these." I smiled and thanked him and took the small bag from his outstretched hand and he went back downstairs. It's funny how the boys couldn't start training without eating and I seemed to handle it just fine. 

I inspected the contents of the bag. Training clothes. I pulled out the black track pants, runners and sleeveless black turtleneck. I frowned, it was a lot of black for me but I didn't have anything else to swap it all around with. I got dressed, tied my hair back and went downstairs. 


"Ready, GO!" Dream shouted and Sapnap lunged at me. We were practising hand to hand combat. Not my forte but I didn't suck either. I rolled my eyes and dodged Sapnap's punch. These guys were all a lot more physically stronger than me, the more hits I took the less stamina I had for later. I couldn't beat them with strength so I had to use efficiency and techniques instead. 

As Sapnap stumbled forward I saw my opening, I dashed in behind him knocking the back of his knees and causing him to fall onto them. I wrap my arm around his neck in a chokehold ending the match. 

"OH COME ON!" Sapnap yelled I laughed. 
"Sapnap that's the fifth time she's beaten you!" George says looking at our match stats on a chart he had. Dream was wheezing with laughter next to him. 
"Sapnap you're actually shit!" Dream wheezed out. I released Sapnap from my hold and offered him my hand. 
"You going soft Snackpack?" I teased and he grumbled out a string of curses but took my hand anyway and stood up. I wiped the sweat from my brow, we'd been at it for hours now. 
"Dream your turn, looks like you have to fight Y/N instead of Sap since he's... Well..." We all looked over at Sapnap who was puffing and glistening with sweat. I chuckled to myself. 
"Alright, Y/N let's go."

We stood facing off, I've yet to fight Dream. I know he's going to be a lot hard to beat than Sapnap, I've seen him fight but only with weapons. His moves are always careful and calculated with an axe, I wonder how he is head-on.

Wilting Marigolds (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now