𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗍 𝗎𝗉

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𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗍 𝗎𝗉.

𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌: 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿

𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 crappy day for y/n. she got the wrong drink, spilt it, was late, got yelled at, and on top of that, she was on her period.

Y/n was sitting in class, resting her cheek on her hand as she stared blankly at her paper. " ms.l/n why aren't you writing anything?" her teacher asked. " I don't know what to write, I'm thinking." she replied, harshly.

after 10 minutes, y/n didn't have anything. "y/n its been ten min-" "I get it holy shit! I'm thinking here, not everyone knows how to come up with shit!" she snapped.

y/n was quickly saved by bell, she got up and made her way to the cafeteria.

she grabbed a tray of food and sat down with her friends. "hey y/n" her friends said. "hi guys" she lightly smiled and started to slowly eat her food.

"there's my gorgeous girlfriend!" Richie exclaimed. he hugged y/n tightly and gave her kisses. "hi richie" richie quickly noticed how different y/n was acting. especially with him.

"what's wrong?" "nothing I'm just not feeling to well" "oh well are you ok? do you want to go to the nurse, go home? I can buy you some snacks and medicine"

y/n was slowly getting irritated but tried not to show it. "no Richie it's fine." she said sternly. she stabbed her food and shoved it in her mouth.

the rest of the losers awkwardly sat there, and silently ate. Richie started to talk again. "you seem like there's something wrong though and I mean you stabbed your food, you seemed mad, did you get in tro-"

y/n was fed up, she was annoyed and stressed and Richie's "babbling" wasn't helping. "shut the fuck up Richie! holy shit I don't want to hear it I'm fucking fine just shut up and leave me alone!" y/n yelled.

everyone's attention went to Richie and y/n. richie sat there, his chest hurting as he heard what his lover had said. the loser's eyes widen and sat there awkwardly.

richie's eyebrows scrunch together and he quickly got up and left.

Richie went somewhere to sit and silently cried. he's never cried over something like this. his glasses fogged up as he cried and got blurry from his tears getting on the lenses.

he took off his glasses and cleaned the lenses with his shirt, he looked up and saw a blurry figure but immediately knew who it was from the hair.

"Richie..." Richie looked away and continued to clean his glasses. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just had such a shitty day, everything is just bothering me, trust me its not you. I feel bad, I shouldn't have yelled at you, you were just trying to help me."

"you could've just said that instead of embarrassing me" "I'm sorry richie, I'm horrible I know" "you're not horrible. it's fine, I forgive you"

y/n smiled and gave Richie a hug. "I love you Richie" she whispered. "I love you too"

𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐄, 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 !Where stories live. Discover now