𝗁𝗎𝗋𝗍 𝗉𝗍.3

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t/w: shitty imagine

"babe, are you almost done!" caleb called out. "yes almost, I just have to put these earrings on!" y/n walked out of the bathroom, wearing a beautiful blue dress. "you look beautiful" "thank you" y/n smiled.

a couple months later after y/n and finn's breakup, caleb asked y/n out and of course, she said yes. they've been dating ever since. now, the two were going to sag awards. "im excited!" y/n squealed. "me too" caleb smiled.

the two made it and got out of the car, paparazzi came and took a bunch of pictures of y/n and caleb. they made it inside and waited for everything to start.

shortly after everything was ready and the sag awards started. "caleb, finn's here..." y/n whispered. "it's gonna be okay, you're safe with me" caleb smiled.

the show went on for a while, everyone received their awards and said their speeches. y/n glanced over at finn a couple times and saw that he was already staring at her.

( pretend millie doesn't exist and you played el in st okay🤪 )

"and now, best onscreen couple of the year goes to..." the speaker said as they opened a little envelope. "finn wolfhard and y/n l/n as eleven and Mike from stranger things!" everyone cheered and clapped. y/n's eyes widened and she looked over at finn who was just as shocked as she was.

the two got up and went to the mic. it was a while since y/n and finn were side by side, "congrats" finn said. "same to you." y/n smiled.

she held the award and started talking. "wow, um I don't know what to say but thank you. I wanna say thanks to everyone who has supported me and um finn as well who plays mike y'know cause el needs her mike" y/n chuckled. ( that was so cringe and hurt to write- )

finn went to the mic and said something as well. "uh yes thank you to everyone, it was always fun filming these scenes and I don't think I could think of anyone else besides y/n to play as my girlfriend"  he said.

y/n slightly blushed at what finn said, but quickly realized the things he did to her. the two walked off stage and sat in their seats.  "congrats y/n/n" caleb said. "thank you" y/n smiled.

after the show, everyone went to the after party. everyone got into the limo and were singing songs. y/n sat between caleb and finn which was pretty awkward.

y/n stared down at floor and kept thinking about what finn said, all the memories rushing back to her all at once from when her and finn dated.

the reason they started dating was from el and mike. "y/n!" y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked over at caleb. "yes?" "you okay? I was calling you for a  while" "sorry, kinda got lost in thought"

she rested her head on caleb's shoulder.   she looked over at finn and pursed her lips. they made it to the after party, everyone got out and went to go party.

everyone was having fun and smiling and dancing. while everyone was dancing finn grabbed y/n's hand and danced with her. he twirled her around and smiled.

caleb watched as the ex lovers danced. he went and grabbed y/n's hand and brought her to the corner.

"are you okay caleb?" "mhm, I'm fine. it's just, you're dancing with finn" "oh... don't worry-" "do you still love him?" he asked. "what?"

"do you still love him?" "no of course not." "but he still loves you. I can tell. plus, I don't think you got proper closure, you should talk to him." "caleb I did already"

"are you sure? cause it feels like im just a rebound" y/n furrowed her eyebrows.  "um im sorry but you were the one who asked me to be your girlfriend. "

"I know but maybe you jumped in too fast, despite what finn did to you, you still love him." y/n scoffed. "I don't love him anymore, I love you!"

"no y/n, you're lying to yourself. you'll always have a special place in my heart but your heart is still with finn." y/n wiped her tears and nodded. "can we still do movie nights?" "of course" he smiled.

the two hugged eachother. y/n pulled away and walked over to finn. she grabbed his shirt and kissed him. she pulled away and looked up at him. "god you bastard"

"apart of me still loves you, but I'm still hurt." "I still love you too, I was a dick and I regret everything I said to you, but you're better off with caleb" "we ended things, I think I'm just better off alone"

"can we still be friends?" "of course"


I honestly don't know anymore, tbh-

I hope this was good ig, I think it was a pretty shit and made so sense but I wrote this at 1am while practically high so whatever anyways here u go bestoes

sorry for typos and shit I'm too lazy to read it over

𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐄, 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 !Where stories live. Discover now