je voulais juste un titre élégant

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I traded gills for eyes
So I could see through the murk
And swim to the surface of this shallow life.
I fought for tongue and teeth
So that my words hit like bullets
And they are heard like a reverberated gun shot.
If I could,
I'd carry a dictionary with me always
So I could tell you all the ways that I love you.
I've thought long and hard about what it takes to be a better person,
And the answer is you.
I stopped catching bullets between my teeth the day you waltzed into my life,
Pretty and powerful,
Your eyes shook me to my core.
We live and die
But not by the sword.
Now I live and die by my lover.
She pulled me from this pond and showed me an ocean.
And I've learned,
I like the salty waters
And the sand that runs past my ankles.
a sapphiric world of possibility.
And she knows I still hurt as if there were a hole in my chest,
But we pack it full of salt just for fun.
Hurt me because you love me,
Not because you hate me.
And oh how you hurt me dear
How you rip me up from my core
Sinking your claws into my rib cage.
I'm a sucker for pain.
Call me masochistic but we both know I'd let you tear me up,
So tear me up baby,
Pull me limb from limb.
I hope to lay my head down next to you one day
And hopefully I'll slip into a coma,
These bones are so tired my dear.
Hold me close
So I can shake the static out from my chest
So I can fall apart under your fingertips.
My blood runs cold and thin like wine
But you
My god
You are velvet lips and honeycombs
You are the sun and all of her stars
Caramel thighs
And drunken slumber.
God is a woman,
I'm certain.
The bite marks that line the inside of my lips taunt me throughout the day.
Tonguing the valleys you created
It tastes like iron
And burns like love.
And I'm beginning to be very okay
With the idea
That this is the start
Of my forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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