Wedding, cars, and sun

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As some may have noticed I have been off school since Thursday no I wasn't skipping school I was going to help set up a wedding but am I allowed to sleep on Thursday nope they wanted me to do things so I had to bake and do (some) homework. And when we finally got there we had the nicest lasagne and then pretty much went to bed it was late okay. So then Friday morning dad decides to wake me up by placing the dog on me and her having been outside meant she was wet jumping all over me. We then set up for the wedding and went swimming I got sent to bed early but couldn't get to sleep so I was still awake at 12:30am. Then I got woken up by the daughters of the bride they were talking to dad and I woke up we then finished setting up and I had a utter meltdown when it came to getting ready for the wedding. So mum had her makeup done cause she forgot it but it's 'unsafe' to share mascaras so she used mine but I needed it so as soon as she was finished I took it to get ready easy? No mum had to say why'd you need to go you just need to change and fix your hair.
So I got down to the bus and started changing but I forgot a strapless bra. So I had to pin it to my dress and that took forever.
Then I had my hair which didn't go right I did it 59 times over and just sprayed it in the end which it still came out of.
Then I went to put on bike shorts but couldn't find them so I had a melt down. And didn't even put mascara on.

After mum went down to the bus I go just grab any shorts because we were doing all sorts of things but I was being careful. So she brings them up I Change into them and mention that I'm now wearing shorts so it's fine. Later I feel a piece of paper in my pocket so I go "what's in my pocket" and loft the back of my dress to get it. This poor year 7 (about 11 years old) turns around so quick his eyeballs practically falling out of his head and so I'm in hysterics going " I'm wearing shorts now" he starts laughing "oh I was gonna say what pocket are you storing stuff in your undies" I go " I did say earlier you mustn't have heard" and we laughed for ages. And went to bed 3am as you do but they were watching shiz on TV so I lay on the couch my arm shielding my eyes (so they couldn't tell if I was asleep) and slept in the half awake half a sleep mode looking up every once in a while.

I woke up early once again because the girls came to get us for breakfast. So we ate (duh) and went into the paddock and they had gotten 2 cars from the wreakers one a ford laser and one a Toyota corolla and we raced them after we made arrack some crashing into one and other then they needed some sort of piping for one and I drove the other with mum in passenger seat. I didn't crash either. But I wasn't allowed in 2nd gear cough cough mum didn't trust me.
We did more races I drove a motorbike instead and we came home.
I went back to school with hay fever and a cold and went home at lunch time cause I was sneezing and had a runny nose and also couldn't concentrate.

I might edit this better later but for now I'm tired xoxoxo Mikayla 🍍❤️💙

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