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So I kinda maybe made a tumblr and I'm kinda maybe obsessed. OKAY I'M AM. I spent ages on there AGES and I went to get the app on my phone and it was like nope nope nopity nope you need ios9 I was like don't be phonesist JUST BECAUSE MY PHONE IS AN IPHONE 4 DOES NOT GIVE YOU (tumblr) THE RIGHT TO DESCRIMINATE. Im still super pissed.

But none the less I've been sucked into the tumblr vortex, and the first people I followed were Dan and Phil actually the only so far.

In other news I was having one of those days yesterday where you don't have the energy to do anything and feel sad and I saw the container of celebrations mum and Dan got for Christmas open and took a few. OOPS 😁 and dad noticed while I was in bed supposedly asleep let's hope he doesn't remember or bring it up. If he does I'll say it wasn't me or something depending how serious it gets.

ALSO dad keeps bringing up my phone how it hasn't been given to me full time and it was only ment to be for when I went out bla bla bla so just don't let him see it/ me on it is my solution going into action tomorrow.

Anyway xoxox-Mikayla 🍍

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