Pissed off

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Okay brief explanation, mum and dad had friends over Friday night I went to bed and kinda maybe watched YouTube ect for ages I went to go to sleep and it felt as if they were in my room because the 'pool room' ( basically where we keep our pool table) is straight through my wall. So I was like f it and I messaged mum ' have fun with tired grumpy Mikayla tomorrow, remember the pool room is beside mine' obviously they got the message just ignored it then today me and mum like always had an argument and I was like now you know what it was like the other night and she got all shitty like its not your house don't like it get your own and move out if I wanna have friends over I can" and so later I asked her a question and she goes "not even gonna think about after the way you treated me" so I was like "what" she's all like going on about the other night then dad joins in and he says basically the same thing adding in "if we didn't have friends over I would have put you in the shed" my god I was trying not to cry I managed not to but they kept ranting then they were talking about my phone plan like what extra jobs have you done you didn't vacuum maybe because I didn't have a chance on the weekend I wasn't home and when I got home you were watching a movie so today I was gonna vacuum after my room but no my brother decides he's gonna do it and mums like yea you can Mikayla hasn't.

God I'm over it teenage years suck, if you aren't a teenager (I doubt but aye) then enjoy it.

Xoxoxoxo Mikayla 🍍❤️💙

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