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Authors note: hi guys I'm not taking a dig at anyone so you know I'm sure none of you hate on people but if you do and don't want to read a rant about it I suggest you read another chapter not this one I would also suggest STOP it don't hate on people why do it in the first place. And onwards to the chapy chapter. 😜💜


So lately a lot of bands/singers are getting hate for some unknown reason.

If you are the reason stop.

Also it is possible to hate on people who aren't famous or in a band on people just like me and you.


Okay so there isn't a definite reason but I can guess the reason.

1. they are jelly(jealous). they are jealous of how much money they get paid and the haters want to get paid that much too. they are jealous of their friends or popularity so want find everything wrong with that person to make themselves sound better. or maybe they might say something such as "you suck at singing" when in reality your actually really good. they are jealous of your looks. their that ugly that they feel the need to cake themselves in makeup every day of their life and make yours a living hell. they are jelous of your life. they think you have the perfect life so they hate on you wishing they were like you.

2. They don't like you. Okay so we all have people In or life that we don't like but it doesn't mean you hate on them. Say you were the hater the person you oh so strongly dislike they may not even realise you don't like them or maybe it's their personality you don't like. I don't know but why hate nobody's perfect we've all got flaws.


There are many more reasons but seriously why hate.

One example is one direction and their girlfriends.

You call your selfs directioners but then you go and hate on them or their girlfriends.

Their girlfriends:

Why hate? Because your jealous that you aren't theirs maybe it's Eleanor's dream to date Louis don't ruin her dream she could be in love with him? What if they break up hmm how would you feel what if they broke up because of the hate? And perrie and Zayn their obviously not going to split their getting married so stop the hate it's getting you no where. They probably cry when out of sight because of all the hate calling them fat ugly sluts when in fact their none of those things. It's almost impossible for either of them to become fat because Eleanor's a model and Perrier in a band that dances all the time she probably has to work out each day to stay in shape.

The boys/one direction:

You call yourself directioners yet you go and hate on let's say Niall saying he's too ugly to be in the band that is not a true directioner a true directioner wouldn't hate on them at all. How more wrong could you be one direction wouldn't be one direction if there was no Niall. They were all put into a band together because their voices compliment each other do you really think if Niall can't sing he would be put in the band?


Have you noticed his personality change or maybe that he's gone almost probably anorexic or possibly how thin his hair is. This is all caused by stress of the hate he lasted for over a year without getting stressed and then suddenly he starts writing some of the songs which will obviously result in him getting paid more and he gets hate for getting paid more seriously guys.


Liam is also getting hate because he gets paid more. Believe it or not there is a reason he writes some of the songs along with Louis.

All the boys write some of the songs but Liam and Louis write the most stop the hate!

Authors note:

Hey guys I really needed to rant about all the hate going to everyone. So I know this one is bad but the next one might be about how nice a type of food is you never know. If your the blue heart then look for the red heart ( actually look for it in every chapter I will hide a heart opposite to the chapter so in this on I will hide a red one and if the next one is good then I'll probably hide a blue one because your life will never be perfect keep on the look out for the blue heart be prepared) . After every storm there is a rainbow. If you don't know what I'm on about with the hearts go back and read the first chapter titled all things wrong and all things right.

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