3.Knowing her

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Anirudh's POV

Soon, we reached the Das mansion, and I was amazed by the beautiful bond Bondita shared with her family. She was the apple of her father's eye and was deeply cherished by her brother. She recounted the events at the temple, and Rajat Uncle praised her. We spent a lovely evening together. As night fell, they insisted I stay over since it was already dark. I found myself waiting for Bondita to say something, feeling like I had already fallen in love with her. My thoughts were interrupted by her sweet voice.

"Please stay, Barrister Babu. Everyone is asking you to," Bondita said sweetly.

I couldn't help but nod my head.

"Gudiya, show Anirudh to your room and study. Meanwhile, I'll have Jaya (the servant) clean the guest room," Rajat Uncle instructed her.

"Yes, Baba... Come, Anirudh Babu," she replied.

We both went to her room, which was well-maintained and cozy.

"Your room is very nice, Bondita. You've kept it so well," I praised her.

"It should be. They say your surroundings reflect your mood," she said with a wisdom that constantly amazed me.

"That's true. By the way, Bondita, are there any other girls in your school? Because people still believe that girls shouldn't be educated," I asked, curious as she was the only girl I knew who went to school.

"Unfortunately, no. I'm the only girl in the whole school. And because of this, no one wants to be friends with me," she said with a sad smile.

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm the only girl among so many boys, and people say that if their daughters hang out with me, they'll be spoiled and start demanding their rights. People call me shameless, a spoiled rich girl, and much worse," she said.

I was shocked at how much she had to endure just to get an education. She had no friends and was called names she didn't deserve. This was why Bondita was so mature—she had faced challenges beyond her years.

"Bondita, doesn't it bother you when people call you names you don't deserve?" I asked her.

"I've gotten used to it, Anirudh Babu. And besides, what's in a name? People called Lord Krishna 'Ranchod' too. My loved ones are with me, and that's enough for me," she said in a calm voice, as if what people said didn't affect her at all.

"And my only goal is to change this society's regressive mindset and see our country free!" she said boldly. I was astonished by how determined this young girl was about her dreams.

"And I promise to support you in achieving that goal. This is the vow of Anirudh Roy Chaudhry," I promised her with a smile.

"Will you be my friend?" I asked her.

She nodded, and we shook hands. We talked for a long time, getting to know each other's likes, dislikes, and dreams.

"Anirudh Babu, come with me to the terrace!" she said suddenly.

She held my hand and led me to the terrace. Her touch sent a sudden sensation through my body. We sat on a swing, maintaining a respectful distance between us.

Author's POV:

Though Bondita loved him, she tried to act normal. It wasn't easy for her. She had loved him for a year without ever seeing him. Now her love was right in front of her, but she couldn't do anything except control herself. She thought that since they had just met a few hours ago, it wouldn't be appropriate to confess her love. No one could develop feelings so quickly. She needed to give it time. She fought with her thoughts, but she was wrong—Anirudh had already fallen for her.

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