First day of school

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"Holy shit" you said standing outside of your new high school. You see the division of groups pretty easily. You take a deep breath and begin your "new journey" as your mom calls it.

You walked up to a tan skin boy with short brown hair and braces "um hi I'm y/n and I'm new here I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the main office?" The boy smiled and said "my names Miguel, this way" the two of you walked down the hall then he held the door for you which caught u off Gaurd. "Thank you" he scoffed "new girl has manners, that's not something we get around here" you chuckled "a guy holding the door for me and NOT smacking my ass, that's something I don't get a lot" the two of you laughed as he waiting for you outside the office.

"Okay here's my schedule" you handed it to Miguel and watched as he scanned it. "Okay cool we have math and lunch together" "okay bet" the two of you smiled and he walked you to your first period which was science. You looked for a seat near the back and hopefully with a quite kid and you found one, he was wearing a brown sweater with blonde hair. As you made your way to the seat this tallish kid with black hair sat next to him and grabbed his shoulder, at the same time your teacher spotted you and asked you to come up to the front for some questions.

You found another empty seat which was across from the blonde boy and black haired boy. The blonde haired boy did not seem amused that the other boy was sitting next to him but you minded your business.

Time skip-

Lunch time. Yaya. You looked around to try to find Miguel but no luck. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder followed by your name. "Hey come sit with me and my friends" you smiled at Miguel and followed him. "Guys this is y/n" you smiled as a boy with black hair looked up and spoke "my name is Dimitri and this here is Eli, my friend of a very few words" your eyes went from Dimitri to Eli. "Hi" you said placing your tray down "hey I know you" you say pointing at Eli. His eyes shot up while his hand covered his lip "well I do but I don't, we have Like 3 other classes together" he nodded.

A few moments later three girls caught the attention of the three boys "there they are" you looked up in confusion on who they were talking about "moon, Sam and Yasmine" Miguel said "are they ya girlfriends?" Miguel chocked on his water "yeah definitely" Dimitri said "Eli here is prom king, ain't that right Eli" Eli smiled a bit and finally took his hand down. You noticed a scar right above his lip but didn't say anything.

The four of you noticed Yasmine was looking at the table, then you noticed Eli's hand go back over his lip "she's probably making fun of my lip again" Eli began to look down. You took that as an opportunity to ask about his scar. "Why?" Dimitri and Miguel looked at you "what?" Eli questioned "you didn't notice" you looked at the boys confused "notice what?" Eli moved his hand to reveal his scar. You looked around confused "am I suppose to be disgusted by a scar?" Eli's eyes opened wide "n-no it's just a scar I have from when I was born" "they are making fun of that?, stupid bitch" Miguel laughed. "I like you Y/n" you laughed "I like you to Miguel and you too as well" you smiled "and Eli take your hand down, fuck them fuckers who are talking about ya lip, it looks pretty cool to me so" he blushed a bit "thanks y/n" "no problem"

Shortly after the bell rang and the guys asked you want you had next, "I have history with Mr.Mayla" "oh I have him too" "shall we walk together Eli?"
Uh only If y-you want" "of course" you and Eli left Miguel and Dimitri.

You could tell Eli was nervous because people were looking at him walk with you so you looked your arm around his and pulled him close and said "don't worry about them" and smiled. Again you seen him blush and he smiled "thanks y/n" you smiled back.

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