Look at me Eli

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It's been a full week and Eli hasn't been to school, you've texted him and he said he was fine. On Friday you Dimitri and Miguel sat near your car trying to figure out what to "I have karate so I don't know guys" "oh to hell with you and your karate" you laughed as the two boys went back and forth. "Chang of plans I gotta go home, mom needs me. I'll see you guys hopefully tomorrow" he points to the tow of you as he runs backwards "bye Dimitri" you roll your eyes. "Guess I'll be all by myself then" you muttered as you got into your car "buttt your taking me to practice right?" "Yes miggy get it"

On the way you two stoped to get smoothies, while in the car you checked to see if Eli posted anything or texted you back and he hadn't. "Do you like Eli?" You choked on your smoothie "what? No" "you totally do" you rolled your eyes and exhaled "yeah I do" it felt good to say it, you had been fight with yourself for the past few weeks a bout it. "You should tell him, I'm sure he likes you" "really?" "Yes Y/n, I see the way he blushes when he's near you or the way he looks at you, the kid was practically drooling over you when you beat the shit outta kyler" you laughed "I dunno man, I don't wanna mess up our friendship" Miguel took a sip of his smooth "y'all will be fine, go to his house after you drop me off" "maybe" "mhmm but come on let's go before I'm late, I do not feel like running today"

You dropped Miguel off and pulled out and stopped around the corner. "Should I go? Should I not?" Filled your head but before you could say out loud what you were doing you were already at Eli's.
You nocked on the door and soon Eli opened it.

You could tell something was wrong by the way Eli quickly shut the door and sniffled.

"E what's wrong?" "Uh nothing I'm just sick"
You proceeded to open the door to see him with his head down "E look at me" he refused "Eli!" You said sternly "look at me" then he finally picked his head up to reveal red puffy eyes. "Eli what happen" you pulled him in for a hug and you felt his weight on you, soon the two of you were on the floor, you were holding him between your legs with his head in your chest crying.

The two of you sat there while he held you tightly and cried. "Eli look at me, what's wrong?" He swallowed and gathered himself. Then he got up off the floor and made his way to his room. You followed him where he sat on his bed "I f-found a secret page where th-they make fun of kids" you instantly knew where this was leading "oh Eli" you sighed and rubbed his back. "How many times do I need to tell you to not listen to what they say and ignore it because they don't know you E" he scoffed "it's easy for you to say" "excuse me?" " your perfect y/n" "Eli look at me, I'm far from perfect okay? I know what it's liked to get bullied" "yeah right"
"Eli I got bullied for being overweight at my old school, I'd get called really fucked up names, guys would play fucked up games on me and stuff I don't want to get into." Eli sighed "I'm sorry" "don't be but look at me Eli" you grabbed his face you are perfect just the way you are"

Eli pulled his head from your hands "y/n I'm never gonna get a girlfriend, I'll never have any other friends bedsides you, Miguel and Dimitri. What don't you get? I'm a freak an ugly freak!" Tears formed in your eyes.

That's when you were done with Eli "Eli look at me, I like you just the way you are, I love you for you" the tears dropped "that scar makes you look so god damn sexy, the way your hair falls makes you look so cute, watching you get excited about what happens In movies makes me just wanna kiss the shit outta you and hold you for hours, I like you Eli for you and I love that damn scar and I don't care what anyone has to say about it" now you were inches away from Eli's face "y-you like me? Like actually like me?" You rolled your eyes "yes dummy" "or are you just saying that to make me feel bet-" you cut him off by placing your lips on his. The kiss was soft and warm then u pulled away "I 100% do like you" he smiled as you wiped the tears from his eyes "wait did Miguel tell u I liked you" you scoffed "so that's why he was asking ma about that" you smiled again "how was the kiss? That was my first kiss" you pecked his lips "it was great" Eli smiled "may I kiss you again?" "Mhhh yes"

the two of you smiled as he placed his lips on yours while his hands fell to your hips and he pulled you close. "Thank you y/n" "don't mention it E". You both smiled and climbed onto Eli's bed "wanna watch a movie?" You placed your hand on his chest and looked up at him "I'm kinda tired, I've been ya know upset all day" "we can nap then" you pulled the blanket up and kissed his cheek "you wanna nap with me?" "of course" you kissed his lips one last time then placed your head on his chest. He held you close and kissed your forehead, "sweet dreams y/n"
"Sweet dreams right back at ya lover boy"

As the two of you fell asleep you could hear his heartbeat slowly slow down and that put you to sleep. He had calm down and that had made you happy.

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