The Accident

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All you remember was the car flipping five times and hearing Eli say your name before hearing a splash then you were out cold.

Eli's house at 11:21-
"You have reached the voice mail box of-"
"You have reached the voice mail-"
"Hi Ms.Y/l/N it's Eli's mom, are they at your house?" "No I thought they were at yours" "I haven't heard from them and the rain is coming down real hard, I'm starting to worry" "I'll keep trying them" "okay I'm gonna try to get ahold of Miguel and Dimitri" "okay" ends call

"Miguel hi, have you heard from y/n or Eli?" "Uh no Mrs.Moskowitz" "okay is Dimitri with you?" Yeah he's right here, is everything okay?" "Eli and y/n went for a date and haven't called be back it's been almost three hours since they were supposed to be home, I figured they just lost track of time but you know Eli he would have texted me by now " "hold on let me check our trackchat". Miguel opened the app but y/n and Eli's phones were disconnected and pinged last at GolfNstuff.
"Yeah Mrs. moskowitz their phones are off line"
"Okay this isn't good"

At Miguel's-
" sensei, sensei we need your help open the door" Miguel pounded on sensei Lawrence's door
"What, what do you want?" "my friends are in trouble, I need you help". Jonny grabbed his car keys and they all jumped into his car. They began driving till they seen a car in a ditch. "That's y/ns car" "I'll call her mom and Eli's mom" "call 911 first Dimitri!!"

Jonny and Miguel ran down the steep hill "y/n can you hear me!!?" Miguel yelled "Eli!!"
"Kid we gotta get them out this car before it fully goes under" Jonny ran up the hill and grabbed a hammer that was in the back of his car, he made his way down and smashed the sun roof in. Soon they heard sirens and seen the flashing lights. Miguel was able to pull y/n from the sun roof and the firefights took care of Eli while EMS took y/n. Y/s body was ice cold and so was Eli's.

No one knew how long their bodys were in the water for but they knew it was ice cold. Y/n  had a weak pulse while Eli  had no pulse.

Y/n had broken two ribs, a broken leg and a fractured arm. They were able to stabilize  her all she had to do was wake up. Eli had five broken ribs, a broken arm, a puncture lung and slipped into a coma due to hypothermia.

Hours later. At the hospital - 1:37

Miguel, his mom , Dimitri, Your mom, Eli's mom and Mr.Lawrence were all waiting for any news.
Finally a doctor came to speak. "May I speak with Mrs. Y/L/N and Mrs. moskowitz"  your mom and Eli's mom held arms as they walked out of the waiting room with the doctor. "I'm going to be honest I'm surprised these two survived the crashed, the car that hit them had a drunk driver and he completely ran into your daughters car, on her side then causing her to lose control, turn to the side and hit the Gaurd rail on the passenger side and flipped multiple times before hitting the water"  Eli's mom tightened her grip on your moms hand. "Mrs moskowitz, your son suffered multiple injuries and slipped into a coma due to hypothermia. Mrs. Y/l/N, Your daughter has multiple injuries as well but isn't in a coma seeing as she wasn't in the water for to to long"  Eli's mom had tears in her and fell into your moms arms. "It's gonna be okay, they are gonna be okay, our babies are strong". 

The two of them walked back into the waiting room and explain what had happen and what was going on. Miguel and Dimitri popped up "are they okay?" Miguel spoke first. "Y/n has many injuries but is going to be okay, Eli slipped into a coma due to hypothermia" "but he's gonna be okay, right?" Elis mom took hold of Miguel and Dimitri "I hope so" she said as tears fell from her eyes.

Hospital waiting room -4:48

It has been a few hours since the doctors spoke with y/n and Eli's mom. Miguel and Dimitri were fast asleep on senseis shoulders and he didn't mind. Dimitris and Miguel's moms tried to comfort y/n and Eli's mom as best as they could. A few moments later the doctor came in. "Excuse me mrs. Y/l/n? Y/n is awake now. Your mom let go of Eli's moms hand and went with the doctor.

You hospital room-
You laid there patiently with a million questions in your head. You had no idea where Eli was or if he was alive, you don't remember much and your scared. You finally seen your mom walk in and the tears feel from your eyes as your mom embraced you in a much needed warm hug. "Mama I'm so sorry, I -I don't know what happe-" you mom cut you off "no baby no this isn't your fault" "mom where's Eli? Is he okay?" Your mom looked at you with sad eyes "did I- did I kill him? Oh god no mom" "no no baby, he's in the intensive care unit" "wha-wha why?" Your mom took a breath. "Baby do you remember what happen?" You took a moment to think. "I remember seeing head lights and hearing Eli call my name that's all" your mom grabbed your hand "well baby the headlights you seen were from an oncoming drunk driver. He swirled into your lane and hit you head on. He hit you at such an angle that you lost control of the car, spun and hit the Gaurd rail and went off the side of the road." You swallowed "I remember the car spinning a bunch of times, the. Everything went cold" "that's because after the car flipped multiple times it landed in the river" your mom paused "on Eli's side" "what" "baby Eli slipped into a coma due to hypothermia, his body was in the cold water for a long time" tears fell from your eyes as your mom embraced you into another hug.

Soon after Miguel and Dimitri came in to see you, they had gone down to the gift shop and got you a teddy bear, some flowers, a ballon and a candy bar. Your mom kissed your cheek and hugged the two boys then left.

"Hey Migs, dimi" you said softly with sniffles "hey y/n" Miguel said as he hugged you then Dimitri did the same "we brought you get well junk because we love you so much" Dimitri said you smiled "thanks guys".
Miguel sat on the bed with you while Dimitri took the chair. "How's his mom?" "She's hanging in there" Dimitri said "god she must hate me" "hey y/n no she doesn't, this isn't your fault" Miguel grabbed your hand "I told him I loved him" Dimitri and Miguel looked at each other "and he said it back too" you looked up to keep the tears from falling. " I love that boy. He's everything to me, If I lose him I will forever hate myself" Miguel and Dimitri both hugged you "he's going to be fine y/n" Dimitri said when he pulled away. "I hope so".

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