Good morning

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It had been a few weeks since Eli had asked you to be his girlfriend, Miguel was excited because Dimitri owed him 20 bucks but Dimitri was also happy for the both of you. You had wanted to sleep over at Eli's for weeks now, Your mom said it was okay but his mom supposedly said no. Today was Saturday so you were seeing Eli anyway, hoping this weekend she'd say yes.

You made you're way over to Eli's and was greeted by a warm hug and a smile from him. "Okay so I put together a movie play list for us so all you have to do is pick which one" "that sounds great, what's the snacks situation?" He smiled and said "this way M'Lady" he brought you to the kitchen where there was popcorn, chips, peanut m&ms and cookies "this looks great" you turned to Eli and kissed him "movie time?" "yes".

The two of you made your way upstairs with all the snacks and drinks and go on the bed, Eli pressed play on the movie and the two of you cuddled up together and began watching.

A few hours later you heard the downstairs door open and Eli jumped up. "That must be my mom, she wasn't supposed to be home till later" later meaning after you left. "Great I'm gonna go say hi, I haven't seen her in awhile oh and maybe I'll ask her about sleeping over" Eli's eyes got wide but before he could say anything you were already down the stairs.

Eli's POV

"Hey momma" "y/n oh my god it's so good to see you I haven't see you in so long" she closed her arms as you hugged her "yeah I know every time I'm here Your working" "tell me about it, but they let me off early tonight, thank the lord" "yeah I hear ya, hey ma can I ask you something?" "Sure of course" "I know you have said no in the past and I totally understand if you say no again but I was wondering if I could sleep over? I'll even sleep down here if you want"  Eli's mom looked at you confused "what are you talking about I've never said no to you sleeping over, I've always said yes but Eli tells me something comes up" you look at Eli's mom with the same confusion she had "uh Okay I'm gonna go talk to Eli"
"Okay sweetie"

You walked upstairs to see Eli on the bed "uh hey y/n" "Eli? Why did you tell me your moms been saying no to me sleeping over?" "Uh I was um, I was nervous" you smiled at Eli "baby there's nothing to be nervous about, I asked her and she said yes so looks like I'm sleeping here together" Eli smiled "we can sleep with a pillow between us if you want" you chuckled as you climbed back into the bed with Eli and continued your movies.

Hours later it was time for bed because you felt yourself drifting off. "Can we go to sleep now E?" Eli looked at you nervously "uh yea- yeah sure" he turned the tv off and you fell asleep holding his chest.

About an hour later you woke up and he was still awake. "I thought we were going to sleep babe?" "Uh ye-yeah I just can't sleep" you could tell he was lying. "Eli what's wrong?" You sat up "talk to me E" "okay the reason I didn't want you to sleep over was because I un" he paused and tears came to his eyes "I Um still uh, I still wet the bed" he put his head down.
You chuckled and Eli looked up "Eli Moskowitz, I don't care. You wetting the bed is nothing you can control" "I just don't want to get it on you" you picked Eli's head up and cuffed his cheeks. "Look at me Eli, if it happens we will get up and take showers and I will help you clean your bed, if it happens it happens, don't be ashamed of it. I'm the last person who would judge you" a tear dropped from his eye and you wiped it away, "nothing will change the way I feel about you" Eli smiled and kissed your lips. The kiss was warm and soft. "Thank you y/n" "don't thank me, I'm your girlfriend silly. I'll always have ya back no matter what". With that the two of you slowly fell asleep together.

In the morning you woke up first and rolled over to face Eli. "Goodmorning handsome" you said as you ran your fingers across his head. He woke up with a smile "Goodmorning beautiful" you placed a kiss on his lips then pulled away "I smell bacon" "so do I" Eli said. The two of you got up and made your way for The door then you stopped, "wait" you said as you pulled Eli back to his bed and lifted the sheet "see were all good" you say as you placed a kiss on his lips   And he smiled.

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