The dream

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"I can't be with you anymore Eli" "wait y/n please I'm sorry, what do I have to do? I, I thought you loved me?" "I did But I can't do this anymore" y/n wait" with that you left Eli layin in his hospital bed...

"Eli?!, baby it's okay I'm right here" Eli looked around to see his mom "shhh baby don't talk, NURSE, HES AWAKE!!" Eli looked around and seen he was in a hospital he just couldn't remember how he got there.

It had been three months since the accident, Eli was still in a coma to your knowledge. You were sitting in first period when Eli's mom called you. You answered then the next thing you knew you were running to get Dimitri and Miguel from their class and heading to the hospital.

When you got to the hospital the doctors were still doing test on Eli, you all waited with his mom in the room. Soon after he came back and you began to cry.

The nurses settled him in and you met Dimitri and Miguel see him first, you were beyond scared to see him. You had a mix of emotions, you thought he'd hate you but then miss you. Soon after Dimitri hugged Eli and pulled away he see you.

"Y/n?" "Hi E" you ran over to hug him and he stopped you "wh-why are you here?" You pulled back with shock "what?" "You broke up with me" "dude what are you talking about?" Dimitri said "I seen it, in my dream. You left me for Jay" your face filled with shock then a laugh "Eli that would never happen" you cuffed his face "E I've missed you so much" "wait so you didn't break up with me?" You kissed Eli's lips "heck to the no, I've been here everyday after school with your mom and the boys praying for you to wake up" .

Eli looked around then back at you "what happened to your leg?" You looked down at your leg then to his mom. "Do you not remember what happen?" Eli look at his mom then over to himself "n-no" "E do you remember our date?" Eli look down "we went on a date?" You looked at Eli's mom. "Eli do you remember anything from that night" "no y/n". You bit your lip. "That's okay E, uh miggy, dimi can I talk to you outside? Well be right back"

"He doesn't remember" you started limping back d forth "he doesn't remember what?" Miguel said "he doesn't remember what he said! That he loved me, what I'd he doesn't remember loving me?" Miguel hugged you "y/n listen to me, there is no way in hell that boy forgot he loves you, he talked about you 25/8" Miguel said "I had to pay him to shut up" "really Dimitri?" "What? it's true, you are his world y/n no coma would take that away"

You took a breath and wiped your tears "your right, okay." The three of you walked back into Eli's room, "y/n what's wrong?" Eli ask "um Eli who am I to you?" "What do you mean?" "Like what do u consider me?" Eli looked around the room "I consider you my, my Bestfriend" you closed your eyes and felt the room drop. "I consider you my beautiful girlfriend, my rock, my everything" your eyes shot open "y/n I love you" you jumped on to Eli carefully "all I thought about was you y/n. I love you".

You pulled away from Eli "so u do remember?" "No I don't remember that night but I remember talking
To my mom about how much I loved you, I figured right now would be the best time to tell you" you smiled "I told you I loved you on our day and you said it back, when we were in the parking lot" "oh I don't remember that but hopefully ill get that memory back" Eli smiled as you kissed his forehead "I missed you E".

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