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You woke up a few hours later while Eli was still sleeping, you kissed his forehead and made your way to the bathroom. After the bathroom you were a little hungry so you went downstairs stairs. You smelt garlic bread and had to go investment. Eli's mom was downstairs making spaghetti.

"Oh uh hi, I didn't realize Eli had a friend over"
"Hi Mrs. Moskowitz I'm y/n" you held out your hand   And she took it then She smiled "are you a friend from school?" "Yeah, I just moved here for New York" "oh I wasn't aware Eli had any girl- friends, wait your the girl who helped him out" you chuckled a bit "yeah that was me" "he told me you got suspended?" "Oh yeah the guy who was messing with Eli slapped my butt so I had to lay em out" you chuckled and so did Eli's mom "but the last hit was for what he was doing to Eli, he doesn't deserve that" Eli's mom smiled "I like you y/n, would u like to stay for dinner?" "Of course let me ask my mom" "okay and can you wake him up? It's almost done" " of course"

You called your mom and she said yes then you made your way to Eli's room. He was still sleeping peacefully so u decided to wake him up peacefully. You kisses him gently and whisper his name "eliiiii" followed by another kiss. Shortly after he woke up, he was surprised you were there. "So I want dreaming" you chuckled "nope" you said as u kisses his soft lips one more time. "You mom asked me to wake you up, she's making spaghetti and she asked if I would stay for dinner" Eli leaned forward "are you?" He questioned "no u don't want to have dinner with you I have other things to do" you could that made Eli a bit sad "I'm kidding of course I want to" Instantly that frown went away "great"he said with a big smile.

Dinner was great, after you helped Eli's mom clean up and sat on the couch with Eli and watched another marvel movie. As you two watched he the way you looked at Bucky, Cap and Thor and slowly got insecure. "You sure do like the marvel movies don't ya?" "You smiled at Eli "yes I've always loved them, I use to watch them with my uh" you paused "my dad,, I stopped watching them when he passed then started watching them again" "oh I didn't know" "it's okay, he died a good man".

As the movie went on you couldn't help but notice how Eli would cover his stomach. "Why do you keep doing that?" "Do-doing what?" "You keep covering yourself, I wanna hold you silly" "oh uh sorry there's not much to hold" you notice his vision go to Thor then himself "oh shush, I'd choose you over any of them men any day" he smiled and pulled you close.

About an hour later your mom texted you saying you had to be home, you went to say good bye to Eli's mom and hugged Eli, "see ya Monday?" Eli smiled "yes" then shut the door.

Inside Eli's house.
Eli smiled at the door and looked down, he was happy. "You like her dont you" his mom said which cause him to jump "ye-yeah mom I really do" he smiled "I like her too"

Inside y/n house.
"Hey ma I'm home" your mom came running down the stairs "did you have sex?" "What no mom" you laughed "but I do really like the kid" your mom smiled "tell me about him" and from those words you talked to your mom about Eli for the next hour.

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