Best night ever 🤍

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For the past week you have gotten to know Sam and Yasmine and they are actually pretty cool, it was the day of the dance and you all decided to meet at sams house to get ready. You kissed your mom goodbye and headed out. "Pictures baby I want pictures!!" "Yes mama, if they let you out early I sent sams address to your phone" "okay my girl I love you" "love you to ma"

You made your way to the car and placed your dress on the seat and your bag on the floor, you could feel the nerves In your belly starting to form. You smiled it off and began to drive to sams.

You got to sams and Yasmine was already there. "Okay so we're getting our nails done in an hour, y/n what are you doing for hair?" "Oh I'm doing my own, I don't really trust people with my curls" "fair enough" "are we doing makeup or getting it done?" "Getting it done for sure" you said "okay I'll call my girl and see if she can fit us in, I'll be right back"

Yasmine left the room and you and Sam began to talk. "So how are things going with Miguel?" "Pretty good" she smiled "a bit nervous for him to meet my parents because I really like him" "hell do fine, my mom loves him like the son she never had" you both chuckle.

"Okay so my girl said she can fit us in at 3, just enough time to get get slushys, get ready and do the pictures" "great who's driving ?" Sam rolled her eyes "fine let's go" you all chuckled.

You got black nails with diamonds on the ring finger, Yasmine got white nails with silver and Sam got nude, Makeup was light but still elegant and all three of your hairs styles fell perfectly.

You all returned home to get dressed, you had picked out a beautiful black dress with diamonds on the top, Yasmine picked a baby blue dress with a slit up the middle and Sam got a mint green dress.

You placed the dress on along with your heals and rings and so did Sam and Yasmine.

"Wow we look" Sam started  "fucking amazing" you finish as Yasmine chuckle "damn right". You all admired yourselves in the mirror for a few more moments then took some pictures. Shortly after Sams mom came in.

"Wow girls you look beautiful" Sams mom said as she covered her mouth "absolutely stunning" her dad continues "thanks guys". "I guess the boys get to see how beautiful you girls look to huh" Daniel said "they're here!!?" You all said in unison. "Yes come on".

All three of you locked hands "let's go get our boys" "yes let's" you all giggled.

Sam went down first, then Yasmine then you. Miguel, Dimitri and Eli's mouths flew open and their eyes got big. You went to Eli while sam and Yasmine went to Miguel and Dimitri.

"You look, you look just wow" Eli said "thank you E, you look very handsome yourself" Eli blushed as you kissed his cheek.

In Eli's, Miguel and Dimitris head:

Eli: holy shit that's my girlfriend

Miguel: woooooooow, shit am I drooling? I don't care. she's gorgeous.

Dimitri: can anyone hear me? Pinch me please this is a dream holy Atlantic

You all began talking pictures, Eli's mom, Dimitris parents, yasmins parents  and Miguel's mom were all there. You felt so happy for them but also a bit sad your mom couldn't make it.

A few moments later there was a knock at the door and it was your mom. "Did they leave yet? Did I miss the-" your mom made eye contact with you and stoped speaking and her jaw hit the floor. "Oh my baby girl you look beautiful" tears started to form in her eyes " you all look so stunning and handsome" she said as she looked around.

You finished up taking pictures then the limo was there. Everyone kissed and hugged their parents goodbye then then they were off. "You really went all out huh yasmine" you said "duh we deserve it were gonna look hot"

Shortly after you all arrived at the school, Yas and Dimitri got out first followed my Sam and Miguel then you and Eli. Everyone watched as Yas walked in with Dimitri "you got something to say jackass?" She said eyeing some jock. Sam, Miguel you and Eli just laughed.

You all danced and has the time of your life's, you and Eli got crown king and queen of the dance, and Dimitri was extremely excited he has his first kiss.

After the dance you all decided to go to the local diner. You all got stacks of pancakes, bacon and home fries. You looked around at the laughing and the smiles coming from your booth and couldn't help but smile. "Hey guys?" "Yeah what's up" Miguel said "I just wanna say thank you, for a great night" you looked at Eli "a great week" you looked at Sam and Yas "and a great school year" you looked at Miguel and Dimitri. "Of course y/n" Sam said "duh we love you" Miguel said as he shoved another pancake in his mouth.

After the diner the driver took you all back to Sams house, you all planned to spend the night. Everyone got undress and put their comfy clothes on and met in the living room.

While everyone was in the living room Eli pulled you to the kitchen. "What's this about? We're gonna miss the movie" "oh shush, I have something for you" Eli said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Awe Eli" you said as he handed you the box. You opened it up to reveal a small silver princess crown. "Eli it's beautiful" you said as you hugged him "y/n ever since I've met you, you have brought nothing but joy and happiness to my life, I love you with all my heart. You are my princess" "Eli I love you too" you jumped into him and held him tight "thank you E" "anything for you Y/n".

With that he kissed your lips softly and pulled you back in. "Now can we go watch the movie?" "Of course" the two of you chuckled as he took your hand and led you into the living room.

A few moments later Miguel asked "did ya pop the question?" He made eye contact with you and you held your hand up "you all knew? I hate you guys" you said laughing "no you loooveeee us" Dimitri said as he hit you with a pillow "oh so it's on?" Everyone grabbed a pillow and started hitting each other. Soon the room was filled with laughter and pillow fluff.

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