The questions

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It's been a few weeks since Eli woke up from his coma. Your grade level dance was coming up and you figure you eli, Miguel and Dimitri were all just gonna watch movies, eat snacks and just enjoy each other's company.

Not going to the dance didn't really bother you because you had never gone to one before. You had always just stayed home and enjoyed the company of your favorite fictional characters.

Monday: in the cafeteria

"So what's the plan for the dance guys?" Miguel asked "well I was thinking moves, snacks and us" Dimitri said "come on guys we should go" Eli smiled as you rolled your eyes "y/n what do u think?" Miguel asked "I've never been to one so I don't really care" " seriously? Well I was gonna ask Sam to go with me" Miguel said as he elbowed Eli.

Eli turned to you, "would you like to go?" Y/ns eyes got big and she swallowed "you wanna go? To the dance? "Ye - yeah if that means going with you" you smiled "sure Eli I would love to" you kissed Eli then looked at Miguel "Miguel sams right there go ask her" "oh yeah right, I'll be right back"

As Miguel got up Dimitri threw his hands in the air "so I guess I'll be fifth wheeling, so fun" "why don't you ask yasmine?" "That's hilarious, next joke" "dimi I'm serious I see her look at you all the time" "are you serious?" "Yes" you smiled. Dimitri looked over to yasmine and to his surprise she was looking at him. "Go do it" y/n said as she pushed him up "alright alright"

Soon after both Miguel and Dimitri came back with smiles on their faces "that was Amazing" Dimitri said "I can't believe me, I, myself is going to the dance with YASMINE" you laughed "told ya"

A few moments later yasmine and Sam came over to the table "hey y/n right?" You nodded "wanna come dress shopping with us? Since we'll all be going together?" "Uh yeah sure" you smiled "great we'll see you later" "uh bye". "Holy shit" Miguel said "what?" "Y/n is about to have friendss that are GIRLS" Dimitri clapped his hands "you tryin say sum Miguel?" "No no, not at all", you all began to laugh.

You drove to the mall to meet Sam and Yasmine, you felt a little excited but a bit nervous. You met them at the entrance and you all walked in.

"So what kinda dress are you gonna get?" Yasmine asked "uh I have no idea, I've never really gone to a school dance" "seriously?" "Yeah" Yasmine and Sam looked at each other "we got you y/n" you smiled at both of them as they took each one of your arms and dragged you along.

"Okay I'll see y'all Tomorrow at school" byes came from both Sam and Yasmine. It wasn't so bad, You actually enjoy yourself. You found the perfect dress which you were actually excited to show your mom and you were getting the feeling of being excited to go to a dance.

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