All Eyez on Me

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As you sat on your bed staring into your closet trying to find something to wear your final alarm goes off, that means hurry up and pick now before your late.

You were so use to wearing oversized hoodies and baggy pants because you weren't comfortable in your body till you lost weight then gained it in other places. You jumped to put your black ripped jeans on then slid on a light blue crop top and black slip on vans. You put your rings on, grabbed your bag and went downstairs.

"Good morning love" "good morning mama" "here I cut up some fruit an- wow someone looks good" "huh? Oh yeah I thought something different since I'm in a different school" "ya look great, about time ya show off what ya momma gave ya" she said as she handed you the fruit and kisses Your forehead "I'll see ya later I gotta go, love ya" "love ya to ma"

Soon after you left your home and drove to school. On the way you got coffee and a donut and soon you were at the school. You sat in your car while u ate the donut then got out and wipe the crumbs off and made your way to the front entrance.

You walked in your first period class and made your way over to your seat, you looked over to see if Eli was there yet but he wasn't. A few moments later the bell rang and your teacher instructed everyone to come to the front and get the supplies they need.

As you went to go sit down an unfamiliar voice began to talk to you, "hey I'm kyler" he said with a smirk "I'm not interested". You had heard about "kyler" he's an asshole that makes fun of Eli so you definitely hate him. You plugged your headphones in and began working on your project. Before you knew it the bell rang and still no sign of Eli.

Miguel 💙.
Have you seen Eli?

No, he didn't answer me or dimitri
Can you send me his number?
Yeah hold on
*sends contact - ELI*
Thank you, see ya at lunch💙

Hey Eli it's y/n Miguel gave me your number, you okay?

* Read 8:58 *

A few minutes past and he still didn't respond, so you went to your next class.

*passing time into third*

Yeah I'm fine just coming to school late lol.
Okay <3

Eli finally texting you back made your happy, a weird happy.

*Time passes*

It was finally lunch time and you finally got to see your boys. As you walk towards the table you couldn't help but notice the Miguel and Dimitris mouths were a little bit open and Eli's head was down. "Uh you guys okay?" "Uh yeah but y/n don't take this the wrong way like me catcalling you but you have a nice ass body, words spoken from a friend " you chuckled "thank you Dimitri".
"I'm gonna go get fruit snacks anyone want anything?" Eli said quietly "no thank you E" you said as he got up.

"E?" Miguel question "yes E, I have nicknames for all you. Dimi and miggy thanks to your mom" Miguel rolled his eyes "ya know she must really like you because only my grandma and her call me that" they laugh.

A few minutes seconds later you noticed you didn't get a drink, "I'll be back I forgot a drink". You noticed Kyler standing in a group of guys in a circle then noticed who was in the middle of that circle. Eli.

"Yo, the fuck you think you doing?" Your inner New Yorker just came out. "Woah woah look at mamas" you raised your eyebrow at kyler, "get the fuck away from him" "cmon y/n look at this thing" he grabbed Eli's face and showed you his lip "that's enough kyler" you pushed him back and grabbed Eli "Cmon Eli" as you did that kyler slapped your ass, and it was loud. The whole cafeteria was silent. You made direct eye contact with Miguel and Miguel got up and mouthed "shit" by the look on your face he could tell kyler was gonna get his ass beat. Eli turned to look at you "y/n?" "Eli do me a favor and move" Eli Fastly moved from your side and you slowly turned around kneed kyler in his balls then took his face smashed it to the table then when he bounced back up you punched him right in the face causing him to fall back "touch my ass again and I promise you, you will taste your balls" then you walked to the lunch table and sat down. "That was-" you cut Dimitri off "uh no don't, Eli are you okay?" "Ye-yes I'm okay, thank you" "of course".

A few moments later you heard your name "miss. Y/N Y/L/N please report to the main office immediately." "Looks like I gotta go, make a group chat and text me" you say as you get up noticing the big puddle of blood near where kyler sat letting out a chuckle "ah boys" you say as you make you way out of the cafeteria with everyone's eyes in you. "Tuh All Eyez On Me" you said under your breath quoting Tupac.

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