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Monday morning*

You walked in your first period class and seen Eli sitting in his chair, kyler was no where to be found. You talked to your teacher and asked if was okay if you switched seats with kyler since he wasn't there and she said yes. You made your way to Eli and he picked his head up and smiled "hi y/n" "hi Eli" "h-how was your weekend?" "It was okay" u smiled "I missed you tho" he looked at you with his soft blue eyes and pink cheeks "I missed you too"

As the two of you worked on your lab  you couldn't help but notice how much Eli was staring at you. "May I help you?" "Oh uh I'm s-sorry I was ju-just looking at you" "you chuckled  "you can look at me all you want Eli" you nudged him "I like when you look at me" "really?" "Duh" "uh okay"
You smiled and looked down "your cute Eli Moskowitz"  

Shortly after the period ended, you and Eli parted ways and you went on to your art class. You went to your seat then shortly after your teacher called for everyone's attention. "Class we have a new student, meet Jay". Jay stood at 5'11 and was pretty built. "Jay you can sit next to y/n, y/n raise your hand please" you placed your hand in the air and he made his way over to you.

" well hello Jay" you said as you placed your bag on the floor "hey" "so you like art?" "Yeah I'm a pretty good artist if I do say so myself" "ah I see he's cocky" you both laughed "nah just confident" "mhmm well have to see about that one". The class went on and you noticed how good he was, he knew how to work with colors and blend them perfectly "mhm you are pretty good" he smiled then looked at your work "you're pretty good to" "oh I know" "uh huh I think your the cocky one" "whatttt? Nooo, I'm just confident". Class went on then ended and you helped Jay find his next class which was math. "You have math with one of my friends, his name is Dimitri and he's righttttt there" "okay cool" "you also have lunch in my period so if you need to you can sit with me and my boys, they don't bite" "okay thanks"

Passing time into four period was a time where you got to see Eli, seeing him even if it was just for a minute gave you enough energy to get through the next period, just I time to see him again at lunch.
"Hey there stranger" "hi y/n" he said with little to no enthusiasm. "Hey you okay?" "Yeah I'm just tired, didn't sleep well" "awe I'm sorry E, maybe I could come over later and we can take a nap" you pulled him in for a hug and kisses his cheek "I hope that helps" He smiled "thank you y/n" "hey I'll see you at lunch and there's a new kid, I invited him to sit with Js if that's okay" "ye-yeah that's fine" "okay E, see ya soon"

Lunch finally came and you met up with Jay, you helped him get his lunch while Dimitri, Miguel and Eli sat at the table. "Ya think he likes y/n?" Dimitri says and Eli's head pops up "I don't know maybe" he paused "what about you Eli" Eli looked over to you and seen you laughing with him "uh I don't know".
The two made their way over to the table, "Dimitri you met Jay but Jay this is Miguel and Eli" "sup guys"

Eli's POV
Why is he looking at her like that? His arms are huge, why is he so built? Does he like y/n?
All these statements and questions went through Eli's head and he hated it. He stayed quiet as Miguel got to know him and while he looked at y/n.

Y/ns POV

After you ate you still felt hungry, "guys Ima go get another bag of chips or something, anyone want anything?" All the boys shook their head as you got up and made your way to the vending machine.
"Hey uh I know I just got here but I think y/ns really cool, do any of you know is she has a boyfriend?" All the boys just looked at Jay. "I uh don't think so" Miguel said do you think I should ask her to hang out or if I'm even her type?" "Go for it" Dimitri said sarcastically while Miguel kicked Dimitri under the table "I don't think she's looking for anyone right now, she's a pretty tough chick tho" "oh alright thanks tho". "I'll be right back" Eli said as he got up and made his way to the bathroom. "What about moon?" Miguel and Dimitri laughed "you have some high standards there Jay" the two laughed.

Eli's POV
"Just breath, breath, breath" Eli kept repeating to himself as he sat in the stall "she likes you and only you she wouldn't date someone like that or would she" Eli looked down and did some breathing again and calmed himself down before he went back to the lunchroom.

"Hey E, come here" y/n pulled Eli off to the side "we're still hanging out after school right?" "Ye-yeah" he said with a smile. Y/n looked to see if anyone was in the hall before she pulled Eli into a kiss. "I can't wait, we should go swimming!!" "Yeah, if you want" "okay deal, see ya in there".

After school you waited for Eli to come but first you seen Dimitri and Miguel. "Hey what are you up to?" Miguel asked "oh uh I'm going to Eli's to go swimming, I was gonna text you guys and see if you wanted to come" "sure I'm down, u coming Dimitri?" "sure why not oh an y/n we have to talk to you" "uh okay". Soon after Eli came out and you told him what was going on, he smiled but you could tell he wanted it to just be you and him. "Get in kiddos, I gotta stop at my house first".

You ran in to grab your bathing suit and a towel then back out to your car. You handed Eli your stuff since he sat in the passenger seat and headed to his house.

Eli changed in his room and you changed in his bathroom which connected to his room, you opened the bathroom door to see Eli in his shorts, he grabbed his towel and covered himself with it. "Oh stop it's just me" you took his towel and wrapped it around the two of you so both of your bodies were touching and kissed him. "You look good in a bathing suit" "s-so do you" he said blushing. You kissed him again then wrapped yourself in your towel. "Sorry it couldn't be just us" "it's okay y/n" "goodie, I'll see you out there". You left through the bathroom and made your way downstairs.

"Hey dummy's" "y/n Jay is an asshole" "uh what?" "Hes as asshole, so early he said he thought you were cool and wanted to maybe date you" "uh okay how does that make him an asshole?" "After he said something about moon because we may have told me you might not be interested" "okay?" "Dimitri get to the point" "thank you miggy" "okay okay so I have math with him and kyler and they were talking about you, I had my headphones in but the music was low so I heard everything. They were saying things like how they wanted to uh Fuck u silly" "excuse me?" "Then he said he didn't even want to date you or even get to know you he just wanted to hit" "what in the hell, fuck that" "I just thought u should know" "thanks dimi"

Soon after Eli came out and you all got in the pool, you guys played basketball and volleyball you and Eli against Miguel and Dimitri, of course you and Eli won. Soon after Eli's mom came home and order you guys pizza and Dimitri and Miguel left.

You and Eli sat in his room and watched another marvel movie then out of nowhere he said "do you um, do you think you would like Jay?" You spit out your water and began to laugh. "Hell no Eli I like you" "well he likes you I was just-" you cut him off "no he doesn't like me Eli he just wanted to fuck me" Eli looked at you shocked "Dimitri heard him and kyler talking about fucking me" "oh" you turned your body to face Eli "and Eli even if he did like me I wouldn't give a shit, I have you. I like you" Eli smiled "I'd pick you over anyone" you placed a kiss on Eli's lips and you look into his soft eyes "hey y/n?" "Yes E?" "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" You smiled and kissed his lips again "I thought you'd never ask" and smiled.

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