CH.12 How The Dead Started.

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Hey yall!!! I know its been a minute but I'm finally here! I'm working full-time and its kinda awesome! I do miss you guys so much and I miss writing so while I'm on shift, I will be writing, some what. Lol. Enjoy.

The next morning, I wake up and I don't hear any birds chirping, the usual. I don't hear much of any kids laughing or playing, or adults having conversations of concern or old past times, before the world became shitty. What I do hear, is snoring next to me. I turn my head seeing Shane looking so adorable while he slept. I smile leaning closer to him while wrapping my arm around his waist, touching his soft skin. I feel him adjust himself and he started to crack open his eyes a little bit. They were squinting.

"H-hey." He softly said, kinda in a whisper tone but half asleep. I chuckle as I move my arm grabbing his hand entwining our fingers together. He holds my hand and smiles at me, as he uses his other hand to run his fingers through my hair. "God, you're so beautiful babe. I'm such a lucky man." He said to me in a grogging voice, still trying to wake up. I grab his hand from my face, kissing it so sweetly as I lay my head down, closer to him. "Yeah well, I'm a lucky woman cuz you're such a sexy man, officer. This should be illegal." I teased him as we both start laughing together.

"Where have you been, all my life?" Shane asked me as he continued to look at me, deep in my eyes. I shrug and smirk at him leaning in, kissing him on his nose. "In a different city." I say with a chuckle as he bursted into laughter. "You're so silly babe. I can't take you seriously anymore. When we first met, I thought you were this, tiny fiesty woman but now I realize that you're just a comedian."

I look at him and smack his arm getting on top of him. "Take that back, Walsh." I look at him deep in his eyes feeling him, grab my waist as he pulls me off him, laying me down, and putting himself on top of me, holding my wrists down. "Never." He then leans down and kisses me, down on my neck, giving it a nice suck and bite. I moan softly moving my hand up, gripping his beautiful hair, running my fingers through it. He chuckles and leaned up, kissing onto my lips, deeply with tongue, slipping in my mouth. I moan, kissing him back, as our lips wrestle each other.

I pull away from him and push him off me, as we both chuckle, getting up and out of bed, getting dressed. "Maybe later. We don't have time." I say to him as he groaned at me, acting like a child, after a mother told them no. He folds his arms and pouts as I start to laugh, throwing on my shirt. "Yeah, and I'm the comedian." I tease him as I start to head out of our room that we were sleeping in.

"What did you say, miss Garcia?" Shane asked in a serious but joking tone. I turn around with a smirk on my face as I adjusted my shirt. "Oh nothing." I say as I open the door.

"Take it back, Garcia." He said to me as I crack a grin. "Nope." I say to him as I start to run out of the room, he starts to chase me, I'm laughing as I continue to run, I was fast but I knew he was gonna try to get me, he was a cop so I knew he was fast too. I start to run out of breathe but what Shane didn't know, was that I used to run track, back in high school. He catches up to me, as he grabbed me by the arm and pushes me up against the nearby wall, leaning in, kissing me softly. I kiss him back, wrapping both arms around him. We pull away from each other, looking at one another with so much love. "You got me." I whisper leaning my forehead against his.

He nods his head with a smile, as he rubbed my hips. He was panting. "Y-yeah.. you did. Damn, you're quick." I grin at him, chuckling a bit. "Oh, and I thought you were this badass policeman?" I question him, with sarcasm. He leans into my lips against giving them a quick kiss. "Yeah well, I didn't think you were miss track star either." He said with sarcasm that made us both laugh.

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