Ch. 9 The Unknown Holes

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Later that day, I was sitting by Shane as he was cleaning his shotgun, and I was smoking on another one of my joints enjoying the high, as I waited for Amy and Andrea to get back from the lake. I had worried if they had gotten fish or not, but either way, we had things to eat. I sigh softly, Shane mustve heard me because he sat next to me patting my back. "You alright?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah, just kinda hungry." I say and he gets up walking over to his tent, grabbing a can of peaches and sone chicken that he had made for lunch. "Here, have some of this. Enjoy it." He said and I take the plate after putting out and setting down the joint by me. "Oh Shane, you don't have to."

He smiled and shrugged. "Its alright, I promise. I'm stuffed until dinner." He said and I nodded my head again starting to eat. I look up noticing Dale on the roof as usual, Jimmy was no where to be found, Lori and Carl were by their tent, Carol and her family were at their tent, Jacqui was doing her own thing, Andrea and Amy were still by the lake. Lori walks over to me, I look up smiling at her. "Hey honey." She said and I waved, with a spoonful of food in my mouth. Lori smiled at me and sat down next to me. "So what happened to Carol's husband?" She asked whispering to me, I looked at her then nodded to Shane. "Ed was out of control, Shane put him in his place, that's all I'm saying."

Lori nodded and chuckled at me. "Wanna help me with my laundry? They needed folded." She asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah sure." I take one more bite out of the beans and the last piece of chicken placing the plastic fork and plate next to me and I stand up nodding my head at Shane. "Thanks for the meal, again." I say and he smiled. "You're welcome, anything for you." He said and I walk over to Loris tent following her. I sit down on the log and grab a tiny blue striped t-shirt. I smile slowly folding it and putting it on the log next to me continuing to fold clothes to help Lori.

2 minutes while we were folding clothes, I hear Morales hollar, I look up finding Amy and Andrea walking towards us with 2 chains filled with fish. I gasp seeing all of the fish on the hook. Carol had came by to borrow a laundry basket. "Oh, baby. Will you look at that? Hey, check it out." Morales said as he chuckled. Andrea hands the string of fish to him while Lori applauds and Carol smiles. "Ladies...because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you." He said taking the fish examining it.

"Thank Dale. It's his canoe and gear." Andrea said with a smile as Jacqui gave her a high five.

"Mom, look. Look at all the fish!" Carl yelled all excited.

Morales shows them to Lori who pulls away, laughing. "Thank you." Lori said laughing.

"Whoa!" Carl said in shock.

"Yeah whoa!" Lori said laughing checking out the fish as well, just in shock as Carl was. "Where did you two learn how to do that?" She asked looking at Amy and Andrea.

"Our dad." Amy said with a smile putting her water bottle up to her lips and taking a drink of water.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Carl asked wanting to learn how to catch a fish.

"Sure. I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff" Amy said to Carl then smirked at Andrea, then turned to Lori. "If that's okay?" She asked.

Lori puts her hands up in surrender. "You won't catch me arguing." She said laughing and Amy smirked at her.

"Hey, Dale, when's the last time you oiled those line reels? They are a disgrace." Andrea said, I look up to find Dale walking back into camp, towards us.

"I, uh-I don't want to alarm anyone, But we may have a bit of a problem." Dale had said with a sad look on his face but it was more of a worried face. Shane had gotten up and walked over. Dale points us toward Jim up on the hilltop, who was digging. We all watch him full of worry.

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