Ch. 2 Welcome To Atlanta

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Hey everyone! This is the second chapter of your lovely book called Is This The End? A walking dead fanfic, I hope you guys enjoy!

After a half hour drive, I finally see the sign that I've been wanting to see from the moment I had left my one hour of a camp. "Welcome to Atlanta Georgia." I sigh in relief as I look down at the Fuel gauge rolling my eyes. I was almost out of gas, I drive more forward entering the big city some more trying to get further into the city without running out of gas, I press more harder on the gas going faster watching the gauge drop down some more. I finally make it near the safe zone.

Excited, I look at my gas and sigh desperately driving for a few more seconds until Clunk Clunk. The noise of my car telling me its out of gas, i feel the car slow down as I put it to a stop then in park turning off my car. I look over at the passenger seat grabbing my bag, opening up the car door and stepping out of it, listening to the gravel against my shoes. I sigh looking up at the blue sky shaking my head pulling my gun out of my bag shutting the door quietly turning my body around starting to walk down the road with the bag strapped to my back.

As I walk through a nasty, gut filled, dead corpses all around the ground with the smell of rotting flesh surrounding the environments air, I turn a corner facing at least 20 walkers, I stop walking turning around and running back to the truck but I had found a nearby store open, I hold my gun up pointing looking around as I enter the destroyed store. I hear clatter in the distance so I had follow the noise. I walk past an aisle with a busted up sign that was on the ceiling and busted up cans and missing items that were no longer on the shelf. I walk past three more aisles getting closer to the noise then finally I turn around to a corner pointing at a gun at a korean man with a baseball cap and t-shirt with a buttonable collar and it is a faded black or charcoal gray color with regular blue jeans. He jumps dropping his stuff putting his hands up in surrender. "I'm not dead!" He yelled at least twice as I slowly raise my gun low. "How should I know?? This world is fucking dangerous. Its about surviving from the living and dead.. the streets are cold."

He shakes his head at me and extends his hand slowly to shake mine. "I'm Glenn Rhee and I'm not dangerous at all. I found a lot of peaches and medical supplies in here, I can give you some to show you that I'm not dangerous.. Whats your name?"

I extend my hand connecting it with his shaking it then I pulled away and nodded my head. "That would be great, thank you. I only have three cans of food and maybe like one medical kit. And Angela Garcia." I say as I bend down untatching the bookbag straps off my shoulders then unzipping my bag taking the items as Glenn handed them to me picking up the items he dropped earlier and placing them in his bag. Glenn watches me, I stand up picking up my bag and zipping it back up putting it back on my shoulders. "Are you alone?" Glenn asked me as I nod my head. "Yeah.. I uh..had two others with me.. one was my husband and one was his best friend.. they didnt make it.." I sigh sadly as he walks over to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss." I shrug patting his back. "Thanks."

Glenn nodded and grabbed his bag. "You can come with me. I have a group, they are welcoming." I smile so lucky to find Glenn but I was a bit nervous, he was a stranger and these people in the group are strangers and the world is dangerous now so it makes me nervous. "Thanks." I say softly once again. "By the way, nice to meet you." I chuckle as Glenn laughs with me. "Nice to meet you too." He said looking around pulling out his gun. "Alright, lets go. We need to go."

I nod my head rubbing my neck nervously. "Yeah... I may have swarmed some this direction but I may have lost them." I shrug as Glenn had a nervous look on his face. "How many?" I shrug. "Maybe 10."

Glenn chuckled at me sarcastically groaning. "Yeah, thanks for that." I shrug again with an eye roll. "Oh it was no problem at all." I say sarcastically and pointed my gun looking around walking forward along with Glenn as we see a walker entering the abandoned store. I pull my knife out and run towards the walker stabbing my knife through its skull watching its life get taken out of his body as the walker dropped landing on the floor as I pull my knife out of its head. "Good work." I hear Glenn say as I turn my head to him and grin. "Thanks."

He nodded and kept watching for more walkers as he stops in front of the door. "Alright, we are gonna head left and run to that clothes store up on the right on Lincoln Ave and then there's a car in the back, I'll drive us to our groups camp." I nod my head as we both bolted towards the left like Glenn said then followed him to the store.

We finally make it to store after few minute run, I was out of breathe after we entered the building. I bend over putting my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, Glenn pulls out a bottle of water handing it to me. I look up taking it and opening it up standing back up. "T-thank you Glenn." Glenn smiled nodding. "Of course. That's what friends do for each other." I smile taking a sip of the water enjoying the coldness run down my throat. "You dont even know me though."

Glenn shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah well, if I didnt get a good vibe about you, I wouldn't have offered you to stay with me and my group." I nod my head thinking for a moment then chuckled. "You're pretty funny for a china man."

He groaned putting his hands on his eyes rubbing them. "Oh no. Not this again. I'm Korean." He rolled his eyes and sighed. "You know, we all dont look alike." He said a bit offended. I put my hand up in defense. "Okay, damn. I wasnt being racist. I just thought you were chinese. Sorry."

He sighed. "Its okay. I just get that a lot." I then get a confused look on my face and took another sip. "Wait, do you have racists in your group?" Glenn nodded his head. "One. But hes not very friendly to anyone.. not even to his brother." I nodded my head trying to picture this group. "Okay, I feel like I'm gonna know more about these people by the time I get there." Glenn laughed and nodded his head looking around hearing a walker from the distance. Glenn follows it as I put the water bottle in my bag following him and keeping a hold of my knife watching my back every step I took, walkers always intend to jump out of unexpected areas when your unexpecting it.

I watch Glenn find the walker as I hear more rummaging and I can hear the walker snarling at Glenn. Glenn entered his knife into the walkers skull dropping it to the ground and continued to walk some more until he reached the door in the back and put his hand on the handle trying to open it but it was locked. "Move!" I yell then point my gun at the lock on the door shooting at it watching the bullet destroy the lock unlocking the door. Glenn smirked and kicked the door open. We both run out to the blue Mercedes outside and behind of the building. Glenn gets in the drivers seat as I enter the back seat, both of us throwing our bags in the back and before I knew it, we were off to my new sanctuary........

To Be Continued......

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