Chapter 1- Fatal Cries

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This is my first chapter and I'm so excited to write this!!! I hope you guys enjoy!

Its May 29th, or so I think and I'm with my husband and his best friend riding in the car trying to survive from this place we called a world or when we used to call it a world but now it's just hell.. if you dont know what I'm talking about or who we are, I'll tell you. My name is Angela and my husband's name is Elijah also his best friends name is Liam, and we are surviving from this old world that we lived in and the reason I say that is because, this place is now surrounded by the dead and if you think its easy, let me tell ya, you have another thing coming.. you literally have to survive by getting your own shit, fighting the survival that's mostly left and the dead. Its suckish because you basically watch the people who you been around with since you found each other die in front of you and that's not fun cause they become family to you since that's who you have left. But anyways as it was probably like 12:00 in the afternoon, my husband who I had been married to for the past 3 years, was in the driver's seat, driving the car somewhere for safety but we have to watch because we dont wanna run out right now. But like I was saying, my husband is driving and bullshitting with his best friend while i'm in the back seat playing with my locket that is around my neck. I was ready to fall asleep until I overheard the conversation from the men.

Elijah: Man, you know what I can go for right now?

Liam: What's that man?

Elijah: You remember that one shit that the neighbor across the street had?? It was called Purple Haze?

Liam chuckles: yeah, man that was a good strain.

Elijah: Hell yeah, it was. Remember when Angela got really baked and ended up making a PB&J sandwich and couldn't remember why?

I chuckle nodding my head as I continue to listen to the conversation as I look down playing with my wedding band. "Babe, that was embarrassing."

Elijah and Liam start to laughing as I chuckle along while over hearing the conversation. After a moment of silence from me, Elijah finally turns his head a little to look at me and had smiled. "Hey baby. You okay?" I nod my head sitting up some more. "Yeah baby. I'm fine."

He smiled reaching his arm back to where I am while kissing my hand while he drove, I smiled back continuing to hold his hand while we drove, I look out the window seeing the dead zombies who people had put out their misery dead on the road and crows were eating them.

I sigh shaking my head "I can't believe this is our life now." I whisper making Elijah and Liam look at me, that's when Elijah sighed as well. "Yeah I know baby, I know, believe me, I hate it too but this is our final lives and we all need to stay alive as much as possible. And stick together. " He said as a tear filled in my eyes nodding my head. I must've fallen asleep because I opened my eyes an hour later to fatal cries and screams for help. I look up to the ceiling of a tent, I unzip the tent and look around gasping at what I was seeing. Liam was the ground dead, half eaten and Elijah was missing. I turn my head looking over seeing my pistol and knife that was next to my bag. I quickly grab them along with my bag crawling out of the tent listening to the crunch of leaves and twigs snapping against my feet as I hold up my gun looking around for my husband.

I hear footsteps come behind me as I'm looking around in front of me, terrified.  I turned around and found my husband out of breath grabbing me. "Oh thank god, you're alright." I say relieved as I pull him into a huge embrace kissing his cheek.

Elijah kissed and hugged me back. "We need to go. I tried to save Liam.. they all came up on us so quick.. I managed to kill at least three, managed to trick the other two following me, lost them when I reached the tunnel, down the road. I tried to wake you up when we got here but you wouldn't wake up,  so I carried you to the tent. We got here probably 20 minutes after you fell asleep in the car." He proceeded to tell me as I nod my head and looked around at my feet.

As I bent down to grab my bag that I had dropped from Elijah grabbing onto me, I hear a scream,  I look up, horrified of what I'm seeing, my husband getting bit in the neck and shredded to pieces, I scream standing up and shooting the walker in the head grabbing my husband and laying him onto the ground taking off my flannel throwing it on his neck holding it down on the wound using pressure to try and stop it but the bleeding wasn't stopping.

Elijah choked up on the blood trying to speak. "Y-You n-need t-to l-leave m-me.. h-here.." He choked up,  as I start to cry leaning down planting a kiss on his head. "No! I'm not gonna leave you!" I say as I cry holding him into my arms watching my husband lose his life under me.

He slowly puts his hand on my cheek as I looked up at me. "T-take c-c-care of y-y-y-yourself b-baby.. I-I love you.." He whispered then took one more deep breathe then his eyes shut, I sob holding him for three more seconds looking over at my knife grabbing it getting up and slowly laying my husbands head down on the ground. I get on my knees leaning down kissing his lips once more putting my gun in my pants behind my back. I grab my backpack strapping it to my back gathering up the food that I have, running off and going to the car getting into the vehicle pulling the gun out of my pants and putting it into my bag checking the gas. I sigh in relief as there was half of tank. I put the key in the ignition turning it and hearing the car start. I back it out and drive off, tears still running down my cheeks as I drove heading towards the city of Georgia. "I love you too baby.."

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