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Hey yall! This is a new chapter and I hope you enjoy it!!! 🤎

~Carol's POV~

I had been sitting on a log, by a fire when I had noticed Angela running out of Shane's tent, all scared and full of tears. "Angela??" I called out but she had ignored me, before I can say anything else, I had saw Angel trip and fall, hitting her head on the tree.

I jump up running over to her. "Angela?! Are you okay?!" I finally make it towards her, and I drop down, hovering over her. "Angela?? Sweetheart??" I rub her cheek trying to get her awake. A little groan came from Angela's mouth, I lift her up. "Shh it's okay sweetie." I turn my head. "Rick! She needs help!" I scream trying to get peoples attention, Angela needed medical treatment right away.

Rick, Glenn and Tdog come running over, Tdog looked so hurt and distraught over Angela, I knew he liked her, he always told me when we had little conversations like that. I still remember when Tdog first laid his eyes on her, he looked like a kid in a candy store. "Is she gonna be okay?!" I hear Tdog start to freak out. He pushes me out of the way and he picked up Angela bridal style. "Let's get in her Dale's rv!" He yelled rushing with a knocked out Angela in his arms. I followed behind him.

While he was laying her down onto the RVs bed, I was looking around for medical supplies for her head injury. "Dale, do you have anything that I can give for her?" Dale had walked in and nodded his head, walking into the bathroom, grabbing a kit from the closet in the bathroom. I grab it, and set it down on the counter next to me. I open it up and dig through it. I saw the gauze, and I also grab the hydrogen peroxide putting the tip in the middle of the gauze and I tip the bottle a bit feeling the perixode soak the gauze.

I then set the bottle down on the counter and I put the soaked gauze on Angela's injury to get rid of any soon to be infections. "Dale, there's not any things in there for stitches.. what are we gonna do??" Dale sighed and walked over to me. "The only thing we can do, is put the gauze on her head and tape it up. We don't have any legit medical items."

Tdog had came in and walked over to us. "I'll go, I'll go get her some medical supplies." Dale shook his head. "That won't be necessary, she's fine." I started to get frustrated, sure it was a little mark on her but she literally hit her head on a tree. I took a deep breathe and I start to think. "Wait! Lori, do me a favor and get my knitting kit, please!" I call out to her as the brunette lady nodding her head and walked out of the rv. I held the gauze on Angela's head then got the kit from Lori, a few minutes later.

I open it up and grab my sewing needle and I also grab some string. "This will have to do." I say and I remove the gauze looking at the injury. "Well the bleeding stopped." I tell the others who were watching. I take the needle and string, putting it through Angela's skin, on where the injury was, stitching it up so it would heal properly, and it wouldn't be bleeding or anything, it looked pretty bad.

I can hear Angela mumbling which put me through a relief, she was alive, and that's all that mattered. "Angela? Are you alright?" I ask her as she leaned up holding her head. "Ow.." She said softly. "What happened?" She looked at me, as I put my hand on her back. "I dunno honey, you tell me, we saw you running and then you hit your head on the wood branch that you tripped on."

~Angelina's POV~

"Well I had a few problems with Shane, I ran out..." I say softly to them starting to continue what I was saying until my piece of shit, ex came walking in with red puffy eyes and a look of guilt on his face with a healthy bloody scratch on his neck. "Angel baby, I'm so fucking sorry, I love you." He reached out for my hand and I pushed it away. "No don't. Carol, can you get him out of here please?" I say as I tear up. "No please, Angelina, let me explain!" He begged me.

"No Shane, please, get out! You don't got to explain anything!" I yell at him, Carol grabs Shane and pulls him out of the rv. "She asked you to go, so please go." Shane looked down and nodded his head, walking away, with tearful eyes.

I look up at Carol wiping my tears. "He confessed to me that he was still in love with Lori and then he tried to..." I start to shiver, as I grab a hold of Carol's hand squeezing it, she rubs my back. "Shhhh it's okay sweetie, you can tell me, just take your time." She said in a comfort voice. I take a deep breathe and I sigh nodding my head. "Okay... after confessing his love to me about Lori, he tried to rape me, and I uh.. well... I scratched his neck..." I hear a gasp from Carol's lips like she's shocked but she isn't surprised. "He didn't..?" Carol asked me, hoping I was lying to her. I nod my head. "He did.." She then nodded her head. "I'm not surprised bit what I don't understand is.. why would he beat the tar out of my husband but yet he treats you in such a manner?"

I shrug my shoulders shaking my head. "No idea and to be honest, I really don't wanna know, all I know is, I'm single and I'm tired, and a bit drunk, I just wanna sleep this pain away and to never move on again, jeez.." I say looking down. "I'm sorry sweetheart." She whispered kissing my head. "Ow easy." I held my head and she stroked my back some more. "I'm sorry honey."

"It's okay." I smile and look up at her. "Carol, can I ask you something?" "Of course, you can ask me anything." She told me, which made me tear up. "Carol, is something wrong with me??" I ask her, making her hug me. "Of course not, why would you ask me that? You're such a sweet woman and an amazing friend. So I ask again, why would you ask me that?"

I shrug my head and sigh. "Because, even though I love my late husband Elijah, he had cheated on me with my sister and then... now Shane... he does THIS!" I yell at the end and I rub the side of my head. "Fuck... I need a joint or a cigarette or another damn beer!" I yell again, then I shake my head starting to cry again. "I feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world." I cry to Carol putting my head on her chest crying.

"Honey, you're not a bad person, you're not a piece of shit, you're just looking in the wrong direction for marriage or a relationship." I look up at her confused, why was she giving me relationship advice when her husband is a woman beating piece of trash, but I'm not gonna ask, she's the only person that's around and who I really wanna talk to at the moment. "But Shane looked like a romantic type and so did Elijah, I was very shocked and heartbroken, I almost divorced him because of that."

Carol listened to me. "Then why did you stay?" That was a good question, why did I stay? "Well because, I loved him, and I thought I could fix my marriage, so it didn't happen again." "Did it happen again?" She asked me and I shook my head. "Not that I know of, and I don't wanna know, even though it doesn't matter anymore because he's gone..." I whisper to her then I jump down from the rv bed. "Anyways... ummm thank you Carol, for everything. For letting me vent, for stitching up my head and uh... to make sure I was alive, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome honey and if you need anything, let me know." I nod my head with a smile. "Thank you, I actually need somewhere to stay, I don't have my tent anymore." Before Carol could answer me, Tdog walked in and smiled. "Hi Angelina, how you feeling?"

I shrug. "A little better, I guess. I'm just tired and ready for bed." I say sighing softly. "And I'm sore, my head is killing me, I need an ibuprofen or something." He pulls out a bottle of ibuprofen and handed it to me with a bottle of water. "Thank you." I smile and take two pills with a chug of water.

"I also came by to ask if you wanted to sleep in my tent tonight, clothes attached, strings attached, just two roommates sharing a tent." He said sweetly and I nod my head with a smile. "I'd love to, thank you, and also thank you for giving me this." I pull up the bottle of medication with a smile on my face. He laughs making me laugh. "No problem, come on, you probably need to rest, let's go to bed." He said with a heart warming smile, we both walk away from the RV and we head to his tent.

I unzip his tent and crawl in waiting for him to get in. As soon as I lay down, he crawls in and zips up the tent, laying down next to me. "Can we cuddle?" I ask him, and he nods his head wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I start to drift off to sleep holding him for comfort.

Okay guys, that's it for now! Enjoy this new chapter, and stay tuned for the next chapter that it'll be out possibly in the next few days!!!!! Thank you and have a great day/night! Love you all!! 💙

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