Ch.10 Headed Out

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Hey guys, this is a brand new chapter that I'm blessing y'all with!! I do have to say, writing Chapter 9 was difficult without crying lol but I appreciate all my fans and every like, every comment and every reader, I appreciate it all! Thank you so much! Love you all. Also, not only is it a good day because the book is being published, but because its a special day for the person that helped me create this book, the lovely author of Hopeless. _MadeeP_ Today is her birthday so everyone please wish her a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! LOVE YOU MADS.

After walkers were killed, we had to clean up all the dead corpses of the walkers and all the now dead bodies that we used to call our people. Morales and Daryl were dragging the walkers into the fire, and Glenn was instructing them like he was in charge, I was helping Morales and Daryl by tossing the bodies into the fire. Nearby, Andrea was sitting by her sisters body as Amy laid in the dirt, covered in bites and blood, Andrea was covered in blood as well. I walk over slowly, still upset about Amy. I get near them and I  kneel beside her. "Andrea.." I say softly. Andrea doesn't look up or answer. I sit down on my knees. "I'm so sorry. She's gone. You got to let us take her. We all cared about her and I promise we'll be as gentle as we can." I say softly to her.

Andrea continues to ignore me. As I get up, I touch Andrea on the back and leave her alone with Amy. I walk back over seeing Daryl use a pick axe to make sure all the dead stay down. T-Dog and Glenn pick the body up and toss it onto a nearby fire that already has other corpses on it. I walk across the camp, joining Rick Dale, Shane, Lori, and Carol at the fire.

"She still won't move?" Rick asked me and I shake my head to answer his question, with my arms crossed. "She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night. What do we do?" I say and ask them as my eyes move to stare at the others.

"Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it. Same as the others." Shane said with a sigh.

"Well what do you want us to do? I tried, she wasn't budging." I say softly as my voice started to crack. "Amy was my best friend, even Andrea won't listen to me. What makes you think shes gonna listen to you?" I asked him, he was silent.

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick said as he pushed himself off the car that he was leaning on, and started to walk over to Andrea.

"Rick, I wouldn't do that." I say trying to warn him but he wouldn't listen. He kept moving, walking to her. Before I knew it, she had her gun pointing at Rick. I smirk looking away, and looking towards Shane. "I told him not to do it." I crack a grin and Rick comes back over to us.

"Told you so." I say to him as he rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah well, we need to figure it out cuz leaving Amy like that is just wrong." He said back to me putting his palm on his face starting to stress as much as we were. Daryl walks up to us and listens in on the conversation.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb." Daryl said annoyed.

"What do you suggest?" I look over seeing Rick ask Daryl the question.

"Yeah for real, Daryl. Andrea won't even talk to me and I was close with Amy. She was my best fucking friend, and Andrea just held Rick at gun point." I glare at Daryl.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." Daryl said to Rick and I as he then turned to me. "Angela, you can't be this selfish. You know what they do, you should at least since you just lost your husband." He said sternly.

I gasped at him, turning my glare into a teary glare. "Don't you fucking dare." I say, my voice cracking.

"Come on Lori. Back me up here." Daryl looked at her trying to have back up.

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