Chapter 6 The Dead Sheriff Rises pt2

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Hey guys! This is a whole new chapter so please enjoy it!!!!! This is the part2 of the last chapter. 😘

Pow pow. The sound of a gun firing from on top of the roof. "Oh no, is that Dixon??" Andrea said as we all start bolting upstairs to the roof.

Jacqui was in midrun rolling her eyes. "What the hell is that maniac up to?"

"Come on, lets go!" Glenn yelled following us.

We all head upstairs and out the door seeing Daryl's brother Merle shooting walkers from on top of the roof.

Morales comes out and sees Merle freaking out. "Hey Dixon! Are you crazy??" He said in a yell making Merle laugh.

He shoots again laughing. "Hey! You may wanna be nicer to a man with a gun, huh?!" He said jumping down. "All common sense."

Tdog jumps in the battle getting close to Merle. "You wasting bullets man that we dont even got and you're bringing them on our ass! Man, chill!"

Merle gets closer adjusting the sniper, getting irritated. "I got this taco bender on my ass, all day. You think I'm gonna take answers from you? I don't think so bro. That will be the day."

Tdog got defended fast. "That will be the day? Man, you got something you wanna tell me?"

Morales knew where it was going, he jumps in trying to get Tdog to leave it be. "Hey, Tdog, just let it go man, it ain't worth it."

Tdog shakes his head and puts his hand in front of Morales face. "Nah."

Morales puts his hands up in surrender looking at Merle. "Now Merle, be cool. We have enough trouble." We all stand watching in silence.

"You wanna know the day?" Merle asked Tdog not letting it go.

Tdog nods with a serious face. "Yeah."

Merle nods and smirks. "I'll tell you the day, Mr Yo. Its the day I take orders from a n***." He starts moving his hands in racist ghetto hand movements.

Tdog got pissed instantly throwing his fist at Merles face but Merle blocks it and punches Tdog in the face making T fall to the ground with Merle on top of him. We all start freaking out as Merle started punching T dog. I run over trying to pull Merle off T. "Merle st-" I get elbowed in the face, as Ts face also landed on the hard metal pipe that they had on the building. I pick myself up as everyone tried stopping Merle from fighting. The fight finally stops with Merle holding T down with a gun in Ts face.

"Please please, stop." Andrea yelled, begging for mercy.

We all stand around shocked, I was trying to stop the bleeding from my lip.

Merle finally gets off T still pointing the gun at us. "Alright! We are gonna have us a bit of a pow wow! Huh! Who's in charge? Huh?! Me! Put your hands up, all in favor?" He looks around, Andrea puts her hands up slowly, Glenn does as well, along with Jacqui and Morales. I use my available hand to put my hand up but I stuck my middle finger at him as I raised my hand.

"So that means I'm the boss, right?" Merle stopped. "Anybody else?"

The man comes over. "Yeah." As soon as Merle turned around, the man slammed him in the face with the gun grabbing Merle. "Who the hell are you man?!" Merle yelled as the man pinned him to the metal pipe that Ts face got slammed into.

"Officer Friendly." The man said handcuffing him to the pipe as well. "Look here, Merle. Things are different now." He said grabbing his gun and cocking it after he loaded it. "There are no n*** anymore. No dumb ass shit inbred white trash fools either. Just white meat and dark meat. Only us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart." The strange man said getting closer to him being serious.

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