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{ 4 years}

//Devi Amaravati's P.O.V.\\

What in the world is transpiring! Radha is getting espoused to Ayan! When after all she profoundly relishes Krishna, No no no! I can't let this transpire!

I whispered as I rushed towards Barsana. With My Jingling bells on my waist I was running towards Barsana. My Navel Lehenga Twirled side to side. My long brown and sliky hairs which were let down were getting tangled due to the air pressure. As I reached Vrindavan, I looked around for Krishna. Nor was he there, nor Dau. I rushed through the Nidhi Van where the "Prem Raas" used to be conducted in the midnight. All my sakhis used to Dance along with Radha Krishna on Krishna's Flute's tune. How can all this transpire? I questioned myself.

I rushed through the Royal Doors, as I entered I saw Ayan Espousing Radhe, tying the knot of their relationship. Krishna was standing there with tears in his eyes, Balram Dau just consistently staring Ayan with no expression on his face. My vision got blurry as soon as I noticed Radhe sobbing. No.. No! This can't be happening!

I stood there with no expression on my face as I let tears flow out of my eyes. Krishna turns to look me as he feels my presence. He smiles at me with tears in his eyes, I couldn't ever imagine something like this transpiring to him. I noticed how Radhe looked over at me and commenced to sob louder.

I turned behind and rushed out of the Royal doors. I heard Krishna calling me but I just kept running. I entered the Nidhi Van and looked around afore I sat down on the rock and commenced to sob about this whole situation.

How in the world is Narayana letting this all transpire. Radha is still a baby, a young one. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned behind to see Krishna. I cannot imagine what he's going through, I require to stay strong and comfort him!

I squeaked as I pulled him into an immense bear hug. I cried for a long time in his arms while he was endeavoring to make me understand that everything that was happening here doens't matter. This wedding doens't change anything. It Will never change the fact that Radha only belongs to Krishna. He was giving me a hope, and I trusted him with all my heart.

Kanha - Dear, Don't be doleful about this. C'mon you are a charming women! No one would relish to see you in such a state.

That did nothing but made me sob again.

Me - Kanha, I should be the one holding you and giving you a hope. But look what is happening! You are indeed a divine human, and your notion is absolute. I can never find a better sakha in this world kanha.

Kanha - Sakhi, I should be the one saying this to you. No Sakhi in this world is as good as you.

I blushed a little as a smirk covered his lips.

Dau - Genuinely Kanha?

I looked behind to see Balram Dau. I chuckled on his question feeling lighter. As if an immensely colossal weight had hoisted off of my chest.

Me - He says this to everyone Dau. Don't worry, I'm not gonna fall for his words.

Kanha looked at me giggling.

Kanha - Amare?

I looked at him with a smile. He places his hand on my cheek.

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