Krishna's Vishwarup

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Hello there peeps! Before we dig in to the chapter, I kindly request you to read what is written below!

{ This story is half fictional. Hence, I will be reducing the real story and put all the important happenings together rather than writting what happened from day 1 (the start of the war) till day 18 (the end of the war) informatively. Thank you for sticking in with me, hope you'll like it! }


Without uttering a single word, I tried to recollect myself which was harder than anything for me at that moment. Here it was me who kept thinking for half of her life how Narayana would've abandoned me. But to the other side, it was my Narayana who stayed beside me all my life and even now.

Narayana - Behold Parth! Behold Amare!

Madhava's arms stretched out as our eyes followed his lead. I saw in that universal form unlimited mouths and unlimited eyes. It was all wondrous. The form was decorated with divine, dazzling ornaments and arrayed in many garbs. He was garlanded gloriously, and there were many scents smeared over His body. All was magnificent, all-expanding, unlimited.

If hundreds of thousands of suns rose up at once into the sky, they might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in that universal form.

At that time we could see in the universal form of my lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.

Then, bewildered and astonished, our hair standing on end, we began to pray with folded hands, offering obeisances to our Supreme Lord.

Me - O' the universal lord! You have blessed our lives and such our mind is at relief! Never would've I ever thought in my entire life that I would be so blessed that I'd be accompanied by the Achyutam! My crores of Bowes to you O' lotus eyed one! You have set my restless heart at peace!

I spoke my heart out as tears of ecstasy left my eyes. Arjuna stood up, his face never seemed as calm and satisfied as he was right now.

Arjuna - I see all the demigods! I see all the weapons! I see all the god's and goddesses situated in you! I see all types of demons! I see all types of expressions! I see various types of crowns adoring your O' heavenly head! O' my lord! I see the whole universe in you! There is no end nor is there any start! Every single corner filled with you and only you!

He exclaimed ecstatic making me happily chuckle under my breath. It all felt like a dream, my eyes were finally pleased which would've always been wandering around for a missing one. Taking a deep breath, I controlled my excitement. At this time this is about Arjuna and his lessons.

Arjuna - O' the greatest of all! Since you have fulfilled all my wishes and also blessed me with the right path! I shall fulfill my duty which needs to be done!

Madhava - My dear Parth, Pitamah Bheeshma, Guru Dronacharya and the mighty warriors have already lost this war. It's your duty now to fight this war without any doubt or pain Parth!


Arjun's eyes were burning with rage as he looked over at the Kauravas.

Arjuna - Arjuna shall fight this war for Dharma! He shall slay those who are sinful!

Arjuna roared as a proud smile occured onto Devi Amaravati's lips as she looked up at him.

Standing on her own feet she filled in her courage as she inhaled. Shri Krishna's hands snapped again which bought everything back to normal. Everyone looked around waiting for Shri Krishna to blow the conch shell.

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