A Little Advice

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Hey guys!!

I know right? It is okay for y'all to be mad at your girl cause she had abandoned y'all for 4 damn days.

I apologise wholeheartedly, I wasn't in a stage to write something. I was going through some phase and trying to clear my mind and I did clear it!

I tried to write this part with all my attention but I still wasn't getting something interesting to put through because basically, going through some phase somehow affected on my concentration. But I'm now so damn good, don't worry about that!

Promise it won't happen again and even if it does, I'll adress it to you before any work I do.

I'd love to thank Anusamnisha so much for all the votes and support I got. It honestly means a lot, thanks girl! ❤️

Now without further ado, let's dive right into it. Sit back, chill, and let your eyes move!


I pushed Arjun aside looking at my father.

Me - Uh... Pitashree...?

Pitashree - What were you both doing?

Arjun - Playing

Arjun immediately answered.

Me - What- when- I mean yeah we were playing

I said nodding as fast as I can, making it obvious.

Pitashree - Ah, I see. What were you two playing? Stare game?

Pitashree smirked. What no! I thought he'd be mad!?

Arjun - Uh- We- uh

Arjun cleared cleared his throat.

Arjun - No, not stare game. We were playing that at the hall before?

He genuinely said making me gesture him to stop.

Pitashree - So what were you both playing here? And by trespassing my daughter's room?

Arjun - Uh- um, No.

He laughed dryly and it was visible that he was getting nervous. Who asked him to lie? We're no more kids to play.

Me - Pitashree. We weren't playing, he came to meet me. We were talking and that, which just happened, was an accident.

Arjun - Um, yeah I apologise.

There was a clean silence for two minutes.

Pitashree - Oh my lord! You two are funny!

Pitashree laughed.

Pitashree - Alright, alright, I'll leave now. But Putra Arjun...

Pitashree smiled before looking at him. Arjun's smile grew bigger as he walked towards Pitashree.

Arjun - Yes Pitashree?

Pitashree - Don't you two dare to do something that shouldn't be done.

He laughed patting Arjun's back as he left the room.

Arjun - Should we consider it as a warning?

Madhava - Or an advice?

Madhava chuckled.

Me - Madhav!

Madhava - You two should've at least locked the door. Oh! I forgot, I am the only smart man in this room huh.

Rani Amaravati DeviWhere stories live. Discover now