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Hey guys, I decided to post because I can't make you guys wait no more! These exams are eating my brain and when I decided to check-out how's my story going on I noticed how you guys are showering your love on me... *Blushes*
I wanted to give a huge shoutout to these two people:-
1)  History__Lover1234 She's been here from the first and has never forgot to comment and vote the stories parts. I appreciate her so much cause only a writer knows how it feels to get so much of love! It increases your confidence and you get more interested in posting stories. Lot's of love from me to you!

2) Autri2004 Damn. I just noticed how she kept voting my every part and also commented her feedback about how she/he loved my stories. I have to say, recieving so much of a love feels so amazing. That's why don't forget to vote the stories that you love to read, the writers gain a whole lotta confidence.

I appreciate these two people a lot! And sending my whole love to you two and my each and every reader! Thank you so so so much for the support! Take care!!

Now back to the story! So sit back loves and enjoy it ❤️

I woke up with the sound of a glass crashing down and it felt as if it happened in my Chambers. I sat straight looking here and there until I feel something brush against my feet. Scared from what will be there, I got up from the Huge bed. I sat down on my knees looking below the bed expecting to find someone. As soon as I bent below I heard someone behind me, I turned as fast as I could and saw Madhav behind me.

Me - Krishna!

I scoffed.

Me - You're not good at hiding at all Madhav. Try next time.

Krishna gave that Mischevious smirk.

Me - Well why were you here?

I asked getting up, directly falling on my bed.

Krishna - I came here to spend my whole day with you as you were really busy yesterday with
*Clearing throat*
.... someone. But then I decided to scare you which obviously did not succeed, because of that glass. And then when I tried to peek through your chambers I saw something and got distracted.

Me - What?

Krishna - I have to say Amare, your curves are really attractive. I've actually never noticed your curves being that deep-

He said sitting beside me but I interrupted.

Me - Madhav!

He stood up stuffing himself as if he got scared. I stood up and gently placed my hands on his soft lips.

Me - Don't ever say that again in front of someone who doesn't know you deep down. Any Gopi, Radhe, Mayya would understand but someone like...

Madhav - Arjun won't understand this situation and would take it as if I'm being a flirt?

He basically completed my sentence by that one name.

Me - Kanha I don't mean that...

I said hugging him.

Me - I know that you are in everyone Kanha, in me, in Radhe, and also in Arjun. Loving you is as if I'm loving Arjun-

Madhav - Does that mean you love Arjun Amare?

He asked faking as if he's shook with that Mischevious smirk on his face.

Me - N- No! No! I never said that Madhav!

I said stuttering.

Madhav - Amare... It took me 2 years to Pacify you into my love for you Sakhi... And look at Arjun! You would act so pricey at first with your Madhav and you're acting so in love with Arjun?

Rani Amaravati DeviWhere stories live. Discover now