Her Rightful Decision

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Hey guys! Finally I reached 1K reads and my dumb brain forgot to let you guys know about it before! But no worries! I thank each and every tiny part of you to take your time and read my story! It means so much more to me than y'all can think! I love y'all so so so much! Keep voting and supporting and I'll give my best to entertain y'all with new updates! VOTE please VOTE cause yeah, I actually work hard for it you know.

Now sit back, and enjoy Chile's!

I pushed my door open as I heard Mata Kunti call my name as she knocked on my door.

Kunti - Putri! You didn't eat anything since last night right?

My tensed face turned softer at her words.

Me - No Maate, You won't believe what happened today. Duryodhan himself served me in the morning! He sat beside me and made sure I was tasting every single dish that was prepared!

Mata Kunti chuckled placing her soft palms on my cheeks.

Me - When Dharmraj asked Duryodhan to have his food as Dharmraj wanted to serve me, Duryodhan litrally snarled on his face! That was scary but look at his devotion!

Madhav bursted laughing which caught Mata Kunti to look aside at him.

Madhava - Devotion!

Madhav chuckled walking up to me as I made up an annoyed face. He swiftly pushed my shoulder laughing which made me lose my patience.

Me - How dare you! And by the way, don't you have to spend time with your best friends? And moreover your Sakhi? Because since we've came here you act like I don't exist! Don't you dare talk to me or I'll eat you up! Idiot.

I almost yelled but all I could see was Madhav's Mischevious smile. I took Mata Kunti's hand in mine as I walked ahead with her, acting as if Madhav wasn't present there.

Kunti - Putri, don't you think you shouldn't have said that?

Me - Trust me Maate, I don't regret it.

I uttered walking ahead when suddenly I heard someone's voice ringing in my ears.

Kunti - What happened?

Mate asked as I slowed down.

Me - Um nothing. You go ahead Maate, I have some work. I'll catch up to as soon as I can.

Maate chuckled as she nodded. She turned ahead and walked away.

Man - You are the one who I've always looked up to Devi...

I smiled walking slowly towards the route I didn't knew existed.

Man - Your eyes are dreamy and arotic! Once a human looks at you, they can experience love even without actually experiencing what love truly is

I chuckled flipping my hairs back which were coming in front of my face, blocking the beautiful view. But it wasn't really bothering.

Man - Devi, your beautiful plump thighs are the most gorgeous thing but at the same time they are strong and powerful enough to punish the godless living thing as you did with the elephants!

I smiled confused

Man - Your rageous form... How can I describe it in words? Words aren't worth it! Your rageous form, which is of Mata Siddha or Mata Bhadrakali, are as dangerous as Mata Kali! But as soft, pitiful and wise as Mata Gauri!

I blushed at the words lowering my head

Man - Your waist is like the Cresent Moon... I can't take my eyes off of it. My whole life depends on you. I apologise for whatever I did... Own me cause I am yours... I am from you Devi... I'm in a human form, I tend to make mistakes...

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