Amaravati To Be Perished?

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Strolling towards her Vatsarajya's big veranda as she brushed her hairs with the tip of her fingers, Devi Amaravati watched the heavenly peaceful sunset in front of her eyes. Her hands grasped onto her nuptial chain as she missed her beloved. Yes, she is now married to her Arjuna.

A year ago, the deadliest war, Mahabharata had came to an end. It was hard to recollect herself when the news of Shri Krishna and the Yadava clan getting crused by Gandhari came to her ears. But nonetheless, Shri Krishna distracted her mind towards her marriage with Arjuna after 4 weeks. Even Devi Devayani was now married to Nakula, and living in Hastinapur since 5 days.

Vasavadatta - The sunset is beautiful today, isn't it?

Devi Amaravati jerked her neck towards her mother, who was standing near the entrance of the veranda.

Amaravati - True Maate, but do you notice this silence...?

Devi Amaravati asked, looking back at the sunset. Her mother walked towards her with enthusiasm.

Vasavadatta - I have noticed this silence since the afternoon!

Amaravati - This silence isn't just silence Maate. It feels like it's the silence before the storms.

Vasavadatta clenched her eyebrows together, not expecting to see her daughter tensed.

Amaravati - Something is going wrong somewhere.., do you feel it too Maate?

Vasavadatta was sweating profusely as she looked away from her daughter. Fear which never existed in her heart was now taking over her whole body. Devi Amaravati noticing the strange tension pulled her mother's face to look at her.

Amaravati - What is wrong? Are you sick?

Vasavadatta - I- nothing's wrong. I am okay, I just need some water...

Devi Amaravati rushed out of the veranda to bring some water while Vasavadatta sat herself on the couch outside.

Vasavadatta - I haven't told her about how kanha had sent her a letter saying he was stepping into the war land yet again. The pandit had told me about the unfortunate happening that will take place if my Amare steps into the war land again. I don't want to lose her.

She sighed as her gaze was fixed onto the ground, ashamed how she hid an important notice for her daughter. Devi Amaravati came back running with a glass of water in her hand.

Amaravati - Here Maate.

She helped Vasavadatta drink the water as she sat beside her.

Amaravati - Maate, are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me? You've been acting wierd.

Vasavadatta - I- uh- it's nothing. Just me and your father had some argument between us.

Vasavadatta cursed herself for lying again, knowing it won't do no good at the end. Devi Amaravati clenched her eyebrows together as she sighed out frustrated.

Amaravati - Maate, should I be talking to Pitashree about whatever happened?

Vasavadatta immediately replied.

Vasavadatta - No! No! I mean, why are you involving yourself in this putri? I shall talk to him after our dinner.

Amaravati - Now Maate, not after dinner. I know how it feels to live far away without your husband. When yours is just few miles away, why to postpone solving this out?

Vasavadatta nodded as she cupped her daughter's cheeks proceeding to exit her veranda thinking if she stays longer, her truth will be out. But within a minute, few Daasis came running to Amaravati's veranda.

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