The Real Freedom

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Me - Pitashree...

I whispered touching Pitashree's hand. He is going through so much just in a day....

Pitashree - Don't utter a single word.

He said finally spiting out some words.

Me - How can you believe her!? Do you really think I can do that Pitashree? Instead, let me tell you the truth Pitashree. I was almost asleep when I thought why not visit My Sakhi Radhe, when I was in the corridor I heard Avika crying. I ran to Matashree Suniti's Chambers and there I saw my nightmare. Mata Suniti was digging her nails in Avika's body-

Pitashree lifted his hand to slap me but Guru Dronacharya stopped it.

Guru Dronacharya - Mitra, my friend, what are you doing! Control yourself! You know that daughter Amaravati could never do that.

Pitashree - She could!

He shouted out loud. My heart broke into pieces, I wanted to leave this world forever. My legs were getting weak and soon I was on my knees. Pitashree took my dead sister in his hands with tears in his eyes. What in world would've been done by me in my past life that I have to face such a nightmare. Pitashree trusts Mata Suniti more than me? Oh even if he trusts her more than me, doens't he need proof for it? He needs proof for the words that people say against Mata Suniti. But when it's me, he doesn't need such things. What has happened to my Pitashree!? The one who used to be so playful and nice to me? Who used to understand me more than my mother? Who would support me in every single situation. I knew he was being selfish over here, but raising a word against him again would be a disrespect to my self-respect.

Pitashree - I want you to leave this Kingdom. Forever.

He says slowly as he looks at me. I get shivers down my body.

Pitashree - I, Maharaja Vatsa is Banishing Rajkumari Amaravati From Vatsarajya!

He yelled looking at me. Somehow I gathered up my courage instead of crying again.

Me - Thank you Father.

Pitashree looks at me shook.

Me - Thank you for providing me the freedom for which I was dying.

Pitashree shook his head as If he could except nothing more than this from me.

Matashree - Aarya! Aarya don't! She is so small! Where would she go? Where would she live?

Me - Don't worry Mate, I'm a Kshatriya. I know how to live my life on my own. I'll be good. I'll miss you Maate.

I said walking towards her as I hug her. I had to say all my goodbyes to everyone in the Rajya. After an hour I finally stepped out of the Vatsa Rajya. I looked behind and saw my Pitashree not even looking at me. I faked a smile and walked ahead. There's no looking back now. I just have to walk ahead no matter wha happens in my life.

I looked at the peacock feathers which were squeezed in my hand. I let out a sigh almost about to cry thinking about everything that happened today. I lifted up my Navel Lehenga and ran towards Barsana while I was crying. I just couldn't stop it. I couldn't control myself, but I knew someone who would be able to control me. Radhe.

I finally reached Barsana and started to walk towards the Kingdom. Kaka Sujana noticed me, who sitting under the roof of his pot shop.

Kaka sujana - Hey daughter! What happened to you? Why are you looking so sad my dear?

I looked behind at him and faked a smile.

Me - I'm good.

I said trying to control myself. But again the tears started to roll out. I can't show them my tears so I ran away to the Kingdom. Just as I entered the Kingdom I was crying. Vrishbhaan Kaka saw me.

Vrishbhaan - Daughter, Amare? What happened my dear?

He asked shook as he was walking towards me. I started to sob louder and ran towards Radha's Chambers, that caught everyone's attention. Just as I entered the room I saw Radhe packing her bags as she hummed a beautiful song. She looked behind setting her merciful eyes on me.

Radhe - Amare...

She uttered her words with a shaky voice under her breath. I ran to her as she was sitting on the royal bed. I hugged her as I sat down holding on to her waist.

Radhe - What happened Amare. Sakhi! What happened dear?

She asked me trying to lift my head up so she could look at my face. I digged my face in her waist's corner and finally let out everything I had. She slowly kept my head on her lap and started to brush my hair with her hands.

Radhe - It's fine sakhi, Utter everything you're hiding from your Radhe.

I started to tell her everything but honestly I couldn't speak properly. I was breathing deeply for air as I cried  again and again with every sentence I finished. My words were shaky. But at last I finished telling her everything I had on my chest.

Radhe - Sakhi... you didn't deserve it dear. But look at me.

She said turning my head up.

Radhe - This beautiful face, doesn't deserve to cry.

She said smiling as she wiped my tears away.

Radhe - Amravati, this all have happened for a reason. Look! Krishna has moved to Dwarka! And look at me, I was leaving for Dwaraka too!

I tensed up

Me - Sakhi! Were you gonna leave without saying a word to me?

She chuckled

Radhe - I was coming to you. But not to meet you

Me - Then?

Radhe - Sakhi, I can live away from Krishna for a second. But you, I can't live without you my dear.

Me - Sakhi, I can't live without you too.

I said as I pulled her into a hug again

Radhe - So I was coming to take you away with me!

She squeaked

Me - Radhe... I don't know if it's the right decision...

Radhe - Shut up!

Her sweet voice spoke

Radhe - You're coming with me. Or..

She said lifting her heels up.

Me - Or?

Radhe - Or I won't go.

Me - Radhe...

She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed. I gave up.

Me - I will come with you. I cannot live without you nor my Sakha Krishna. I guess everything happens for a reason right? And moreover I don't have a place to call it as my home.

Radhe - You don't have a place? Sakhi, Me and Krishna are your home.

She said straining the word "are".

I smiled at her with tears filling my eyes again.

Radhe - Enough of crying! Dwaraka is your home, you belong to Dwarka. Look at how Dwaraka is calling you Sakhi...

I blushed on the way she was trying to overwhelm me. So this is where my life is taking a huge turn. I'm deliberately excited to know what will happen next. Who enters my life and who exits. All I need to know is that I'm always there for myself with Radha and Krishna on my side.

Boom! Here it is! I'm sorry if I posted way too late but I had to attend my classes. I love you guys so much! Thank you so much for supporting me  you guys. I'm really proud of y'all!

And, this is where her life takes a turn. So the next part is where she'll meet the love of her life. So are you guys excited to know what'll happen tomorrow?
Until then, have the greatest day of your life and SMILE.
Lol. Love y'all so much.

Jai Shri Radhe Krishn!

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