The Unexpected Unition

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How are my cuties doing?
I'm sorry if I'm late but I had so much of work to do. I apologise for this, my fault, I'm a dummy.
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I had to leave Indraprastha with Madhav and my sister. I already missed Arjun. He's litrally like a falling star, it's just a bit of time which we get, and it's worth it. Me and Madhav rode for Hastinapur before we returned back to Dwaraka and there was a huge matter which had already stood up. Dau Balram was there to complain about the Pandavas and Draupadi upon how they made me their Daasi.

I have to say, Dau is really overprotective and more cautious than any human out there. We reached the court where Dau was already questioning King Dhritarashtra about how they treat a guest.

Balram - I can tear all of them into pieces if I want to! You all are lucky that Mata Rohini has taught me some sacraments and Religious duties to keep up with.

Dau looked over at me standing in the corner with Madhav and my sister. He rushed towards me, gripping my wrist and then taking me in the middle of the court.

Balram - You guys should be ashamed of your sacraments!

Me - Dau. It was me who asked-

Balram - And who's duty was it to tell you the right and wrongs?

I looked over at Madhav, already being pitiful for him. He was the one who made Draupadi believe thay decision was right, and after all it was. But when it's Dau who disagrees, Madhav done dilly done in Dau's hands today.

Balram - Their!

Dhritarashtra - Chief Baldeva! We Apologise you, Devi Amaravati and each and every person who was hurted by this decision of my family members. I am ashamed of this, that it even happened! Please forgive us! It was not our intention to do so!

My gaze softened at the King.

Me - You yourself have asked me call you my Pitashree, Pitashree. I was never hurted nor I ever will be. This act and this idea has came from me, I'm the one who started. You don't have to be ashamed of this, as you, nor your any family member never had the intention to harm me or my reputation. I was the one who out myself out there as a Daasi. I apologise if I created Chaos, this shouldn't be happening, ever.

Dau - Don't blame yourself for them Amare!

Me - No Dau. Whatever I said was heartfelt. Do you all think I'd lie to you all? And you Dau?

Dhritarashtra - Oh never, never my Putri. Crores and Crores of thanks to you Devi, for showing us the utmost Mercy of yours.

I smiled

Me - Pitashree, does a father Apologise to his daughter for something he wasn't wrong for? Never.

I smiled gazing over at Kunti Mata and Mata Gandhari. They had a proud smile on their face, as if they were adoring each of my words. We bid farewell to Hastinapur as well. I shared a Chariot with the one who was the only person to entertain me, Madhav, who else? Ofcourse my sister fought with Madhav that she wanted a separate chariot for me and her but Madhav pacified her anyway. My sister sat accross me telling me everything that happened in her life in these 10 months, since she took birth. She was soon tired so she had to sleep. It felt so right cause of her little head was kept on my lap as she curled herself like a ball. First time I had 'the' moment, a elder sister would have. She soon slept as I brushed my palms on her head singing her a song, showing what talent I got. Madhav sat across me making sure he doesn't wake Devayani up.

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