"And You Took It"

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Hey guys! I kept you waiting!

So I won't make you wait any longer! Just I'm gonna thank y'all for how much of a support y'all are sending me!

Now sit back, chill, and let you eyes move Lovies.

I opened my eyes knowing I was back into Amaravati's body. I sighed grasping a hand which I looked up to see Madhav's.

Madhava - Are you okay?

Me - I am... I... Madhav...?

Madhava - Hm?

He asked sitting behind me as he opened my hair locks.

Me - Did I really meet Narayan?

Madhava chuckled putting down my worn Mandara flowers which were tucked inside my hair locks.

Madhava - Yes you have, every single being on this planet is a shadow of Narayan.

Me - But Madhav, I'm not talking about a human...

Madhava - I know how confused you would be Amare, I need you to think nothing which makes you question for now.

I sighed.

Me - Alright.

Madhava - Sakhi! Mandara!

He asked as Deve came in front of us with a huge basket of Mandara flowers. She smiled at me as she sat beside me. She handed the basket to Madhava as Madhava placed it over his thighs. I felt a hand on my thighs which caught my attention.

Devayani - How do you feel now Jiji?

Me - Exhausted deve, exhausted.

She looked at me blankly for a few seconds before intertwining my hands with hers. She leaned in kissing my palm before she left to maybe bring me some food.

Me - I am not allowed to meet Arjun for two more years Kanha. What do I do?

I asked letting myself loose on him. I felt him lean down kissing my forehead.

Madhava - Act as if these two years are the only years you have to live on this beautiful earth. What would you do?

Me - Make sure that each day turns out to be the best one.

Madhava - Look Amare, you only have two years to be Devi Amaravati and after that you are going to be the bride for Parth and the Daughter-in-law of the whole Kutumbh of Pandavas as well as Kauravas! So be you for few years you are getting.

I nodded. I sucked on my lower lip before asking him a question which was lingering me every moment I spent with him.

Me - Madhav... I... I'm not joking, don't be mischevious. Do you really love me?

Madhava - Ofcourse I do, you're my Sakhi!

Me - Not as a Sakhi Madhav...

I asked looking at him. I observed how tears formed in his eyes as he looked down at me.

Me - I mean you don't do all of this for only your Sakhis...

I explained expecting an answer from him. He stood up not looking at me.

Madhava - We will never talk about it. Never again.

Madhava stated in a stern tone.

Me - But why?

Madhava - You are just my Sakhi like every other sakhi Amare. Don't make our relationship obvious!

I nodded sitting straight.

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