Peter's Secret Girlfriend Part 1

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I have the best girlfriend a guy could ask for, kind, caring, and absolutely hilarious. This dream girl's name was Sterling.

I love her to death and she feels the same for me... or at least I hope but, she's been there for every Decathalon meet, and new debate team, which she got me to join because she was on the team

Due to her support for me, I was there for every single one of her soccer games, and of course debate, along with her being a star at robotics like me. She was there for me in every situation. I mean come on we've been best friends since, well now that I think of it since birth. And every year on her birthday I always tease her about being 14 minutes older.  And when my parents died her parents almost became mine, besides Aunt May of course. 

While getting lost in my thoughts about such a beautiful girlfriend while walking into my second home. THE FREAKING START TOWER!! Sliding the level 10 pass through security FRIDAY calls out to me.

"Hello, Mr. Parker, Welcome back. Should I alert Boss you've arrived?"

"No thanks Fri, but where is he and the rest of the team?"

"Everyone is in the common room, Mr. Parker."
"FRIDAY I told you to call me Peter!" "Okay, Peter." I walked to the elevator and asked FRIDAY to take me to the top I remind myself of what could happen if they ever found out about Sterling. The creative young woman had a secret just like me. Her father is the Commander in Chief of the U.S Navy, so we bought our own apartment together so she wouldn't be alone a lot. But once again my thoughts were interrupted as the elevator doors opened to reveal Earth's mightiest heroes.

"Hey kid, how was school?" Mr. Stark asked and with the bubbly response as per usual, "It was good and omg..." As the rambling began the Avengers who loved the boy and were all part of the PPPS (Peter Parker Protection Squad) were listening intently about his day and the prior night's patrol.

"Great, also let's get that rib checked out I don't want it getting hurt further, stupid mugger." The last part was muttered but I said yes and followed Bruce down to the med bay. In being asked to take off my shirt I forgot that I had been given a hickey on my sternum.

"Peter what the hell is that?!" Bruce almost yelled and  I immediately knew what he was talking about, and due to the yelling, I saw Steve, Tony, and Nat coming down the stairs at a faster pace but not a full run.

"Yeah Peter, what the hell is that!!" Tony and Steve practically said at the same time. Natasha who had forced me to tell her about Sterling after her piecing it together and practically threatening me, you know actually threatening to tell the whole team if I don't just admit it to her. As Steve and Tony looked at the hickey with pure utter shock and confusion, but of course a dash of anger with a smirking Natasha standing right next to them.

"Pete who gave you that? And tell us the truth." Steve pushed the question while my brain was scrambling for an answer and thought of the stupidest thing in the world.

"Just some person I met at school she nice and all but not sure she's for me I guess." And boy did they seem... huh they seemed satisfied with my response, but Nat promised not to tell so she stayed silent.

"Fine, but kid if you lied to me I will find out who did it and hunt them down," Stark stated with rage in his tone.
"Mr. Stark, I ended it so not necessary at all, now why don't we just watch some star wars?" Tony and Steve reluctantly agreed to leave the topic alone while Nat stayed behind to talk to Peter after Bruce left.

"You know sooner you later they are going to find out somehow might as well tell them in the nicest way possible and introduce them to her."

"But I just want to protect her and she already knows I'm Spiderman and that put's her in enough danger but also dating me, then telling the avengers, I- I just can't do it yet but Nat I promise to do it soon," I stated and started pulling myself off the medical bed when Natasha said.

" Okay, Детеныш паука I trust you."


Leaving Nat I made my way up to the elevator with Nat close on my tail. The night ended with laughter and me being carried by Mr. Stark to my guest room, but in the middle of the night I woke up from a nightmare about....

Next Part coming soon!!!

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